-3 wrack, with lb wonOeilul Ihrv only egttndthe hanl to you no Ittrlhe' TUG AVERTED IH EL A Tali i-r Soaaow Aboul 1 maaih ago widow ldy came la Ihis iiy from lb 8ial ol Main. Sh Wa th awlher Iva ehildrea, four of wh.im sh brought wilh hrr who ht am. Her chief purpose in coming har wa to And employment for har family, whereby they aaaaidlal aabal a al as f.AIifurlt.klst livine. and enjoy the -aa-r- -a FrsHt sf Irliiiitl rcr REMEMBER THE POJttl lM meeting will lake pla Without ressid lo 'Cl, party tar treed, at Hall Exchange Huihling, oa FHIDAY evening nxl, No vein her 7 1 la at 7 o'clock, lo lake inlo auaiidoralion th stal i larval ion and destitution at present existing among lh peasantry nf Irrland, and In aflord surh Immedial relief a may he potible. Th gry of million nf our fellow beings cross 'he Atlantic hav ieschd us, supplicating mr brai and shall we give them a sion I No, fellow eitixen it it lo hoped tha appeal I aol mad ia in.
Several eminent tpeakei will add res lha mealing. Nf. 23. id llewnrsl. C7 By vinaa a Resolution of lh Common) Council, passed November ih, H46, I hereby offer a rewa oi ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for th arrest and conviction of ihe pa iaain nr persons who wantonly br ke and mutilated i Urge window a.f the Vestry Rrmm attached In Ihe building known a the I hurrh of ihe Holy Trinity, and who defacd and injured eerlain ornamental aione work appe laming lo said hailding said reward In be paid upon Ihe enn.
viclion of lh oflender or offenders. Brooklyn, November Hlfl. FRANCIS B. 8TRYKF.R, Mayor. Noveoiler 14.
3taw4w RvwHrd. JT By virtue of a Resolution of ihe Common Council, passed November 9, 146, I her. by nf. fer a reward of TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS for Ibe arrest and conviction af any person or persons who shall he guillT i Burslary or Grand Larceny wiiliio lha ci of BriM.kljni said re. wild to pi id by the Comptroller, under lha direction ol the Finance Comniilli whose pr per reriirlcairs shall be presented fiom the Court or District Attorney of sueh arnsi and convic lion.
Brooklyn, November 14. I84H. FRANCIS B. bTRYKER, Mayor. C.
Birrs, Clerk. November 14. 3taw4w nrooklyu Iiialltiilf f.Tltirra. XT The Winter "ourse of Lee ore helor the members will be eaimmenced on THURSDAx" evening, the 29th insi al 7 1 1 o'clock, and tun. tinued weekly.
The IntroduelO'y Lecture will be delivered bv GEORGE S. HILLAKD, uf ston. GEORGE R. GLIDDON, Esq. will deliver six L-cture on Evypilau Antiquities, nil.
racing sll the reeenl discoveries, enioauenc ing on Thursday rvenin Nov. 5ih. Other Lc. lure will be announced ineoaars. Committee.
CH AS. CONG DON, IT Member's ticket, iiiniitiug a gentlenun and two ladies. two minor, re now r.ady, and may be obtained at ihe Directors' Roaim on Ihe Brit Door of th Insiitule. Annual snli. scri lion thru dollars, which rntiilea a snemher to admission to all ihe Lectures and Eihib.uniu of the In.t.ture for th current year.
Persons desirous of becoming member nre reqaested to apply above. THE ANXIETIES Of A NON-RESISTANT. A well known Ivnrel of non resistance in emavrrsali yesterday in Si. Charleg atreel wilh an aennainianee. The ubjets wer the 8ib i'rcaaniy, Treasury Note, nd the Finance uf III General MfKMiW.
While Ihu eng 'hi'd I on who joyamly d-light I in -We and in tunc which bpok deep concern, (w aside, ta him who wa ia company with lh non resistant) said, v. Ihis ii a bad business I' Bid biainess! what's a bal business The refusal of Ihe N-w York bank 10 make loan V. avera-tary Walker 1 Eh was lh reply of Hit joker; 'but (hit duel an I the Iba terio are desperate, mi brandy I' Whsi duel, what Joel ai1 the ta-retiit-ant. 'What term Why, there ia Bill Brown, who ia going over I etna lo ti.hl a duel with John I Wf My Brown and Smith because we nor wish give the real name of the pa i who were made the uhjeel of the joke The I understand, are revolving piitola and bowie Itn ires. They are lo stand at twenty pes and sdvaance fii ing, and' 'What I' the non reslslant.
interrupting In ra -Brown going to fight a duel hy, ft-is mr tenant he me three month, rent; he has a most helple.s I go Ihw instant and makealfiJa.H of the fact before the Recorder, and have hitn arrested. If he should be killed, I loss mr rent loe mr lenartt, ana have his f.milr on me a burden into the I shall certainly hive bun arrested Off.Vno-Resittant "tied, and Joker nnd his friend hid a loud laugh at bis expense, when he gntataucha distance that he could not hear Ihem. i Joker ehuckM at the idea of selling i good a a. an mn nK 1 II li tl 9 hat it would be some time hefore'it would slop. He was right i it ran cinsiileiablt.
(lis ance. Noi-Rsistant honied before the Recorder, an I madconh thtt he hvt good reason to all that, thai 'Bill Brown nnd John 8ni the nn nes are tha only thin fictitious in the story were about to fight a duel conlraiy to the Connitminn and the peace and dignity of the State of and therefore ha prayed for the arrest of both of them, or at least of the one llrown. A Warrant vii drawn out and signed, anu placed in the hands of two poliee officers, who were instructed where Brown was to be found at bis residence, and thiiber tney went i CUT H. Now, it so happened, that when they reached the douiic.l or Brown, wno was aciuanj make a business trip to Natcheg, he wis stowing away a few shirts and other 'fixms' mlo Ins carpet bag. Yoi are a prisoner of the said one of the officers.
I'm a what said Brown, taming around and partially -levailng his body, and, as he did so, exposing a revolver, which, sure enough, he had been just placing beiween iwo shirts in his carpel b.ig fur, although oneof the most peaceably disposed men in the world, he never traveled without as he called his patent revolver. 'Seize him said the police officer to his fel-low. 'and seixc that pistol I' The order wis executed, and amidst the con joint and simultaneous cries of poor Brown wife and children he was dragged ofT betw.cn the two police officers, one of tliem carr ingthe revolver as a trophy of the manner in which th.y executed Ihrir duty. Whal is all "his f. said Brown, as soon ss he caught breath to jitter a word.
'At whose instance am I arrested Why, at the instance of to be sure, replied the officer. the hardened said Brown, 'to hav me dragged from the midst of my family to ajail for his petty three monlhs'renl, and I well i. i auic ifli iiim you a pretty Mler speak that way of ynnr friend," jtaf! one oi tne ponce i the mn.t huihmiol man I ever seed. I thought he wou a cried when he waa a swearin' agin 'O, the hypocrite I' fnid Brown. 'If heliad waited till I came down Hie river, I should have paid him lo the last -0, that' all very said one or the po-lice officers, looking signific milf at his com-rude, 'but he thouiiht that in the meantime you might pay the Uebt of nalur', he hnd you '1 challenge the said Brown, in-dignantly.
'tosav if he ever knew me to give him cause to suspect' Ah.tlieie said the policeman. 'You have already sent a challenge, though you know it is a viol-lion of the Constitution to do so; and for suspecting rou.I think that he had strong ground his suspicion. Did I not arrest you in self with the pistol actually in your hand that said he, holding it up and speaking in a moralizing tune, 'that pistol, with which you were aboul to take the life of a fellow being. 0, Brown, you're a bid man you'd kill feller being you'd leave your wife a widow, and your children orphans and all for what I Honor I iere aim no more honor in this ing business than there is in any other murder, only that il'a more genleel that's all, my This apeech of the police officer rather bo-wildered poor Brown. What could it meant Hespoke or 'Uking the life of a human a 'widow and and all that.
Thus he thouvhi! but b-fora he could find a solution ror the police officer's enigmalicil speech, he was in the presence of ihe Recorder. Here an invesu-calion of the affair is necessarily entered on, and thisdiselo-ed the fact thl il had ne'er en-t-red into the mind of Brown to fight duelj that it never entered inlo the mind of the non-resistant lo have him arrested lor the rent, and that the whole mistakes of the morning wrre attributable to the mischievous representations of Joker. tUtt- ThkTwo Wiitos Old Hpkkkbi Bakw-m anKns. Man is a I'alli- le being why should we espect nations, government, and parties to be infallible Enor is common to all thines and the frank admission of error is onlr saying that are winer to day than we were yesterday. One of our correspondents calls upon ns lo explain the meaning of Ihe two divisions in the democratic p.rty in th tale, known as "Old Hunkers" and Barnburner." We cannot do il in a few lines, and, therefore, as a matter of lijatory, wrll go somewhat in detail.
Old Hunkers are known as that portion of the party nwilline lo sacrifice peisonal interest to iwliti-al principle. Ttirv are in favor of a libera! ex -enditre of nuhlic monry for internal improvem -tile. They like to see Iheir farm increase in valu- lo see enein-era at work, cscavatora. Inek-wien, boatmen, toll collectors ia mary eireolnte, ami country stores an They are not opposed lo a few coronations rcMn.My. They like are nK kaaks.
are rather fond of dot.es. and are no iriend n. lash they a.e me aaakmg oriioa of the pae-y. i.k the monks of La Xf.ppe,,, dicipl.aa.ians siaadmg by the it. narlf as a bill duly opPeI lo Wszras on Lono I-taao.
A leiler publisheal ia the Express aad dalrd 'Greeaport, Nov. ay 'I j' onversed with Cept. Dayton, of Ihe sloop Ana Strong, whose vessel lie at Maliainck, a total wreck. She struck about eiehl o'clock yesterday morning, and but for ihe timely assistance nf the eiliaens, be ist hav perished and Ihos with him. Capl.
Dayion, and hi father, and Capl. Solomon Sturdisant, each eommanding a small vessel, Irft 8abronk. Sunday night, aboul with 25 o.her Is. 1 he inir. wrre i.taueu wnn noauci a a frr.m.
Cantail Hi. father he had not heard from, tapiam Siurdivant weal ashore on Polls Point, and wa lost, wilh ihrre other on bnarJ, vi i Mr. Sylvester Smith, a hipmter of Purl JelTer.on, where these vessels belonged, and owner nf the timber Wm Norton, th mate) and the eook, colored man. Capl. S.
owned th loop, the properly he possessed In th wor'd. He ha left a wifg and Ihret ghildren. Capl. D. aid that he had been on th Sound 13 year, and had not known so hard a blow.
There wer. iwo vessels oa Osrdmer' Mand, and one on Plum Gals at ths account from Buffalo state thai there ar fourteen vess-ls and three steamboat on hor between lhat port and Cleaveland, lio. Sixteen de bodies Bjatnl aahora al Barcelona. The shore lor miles along tha lake ia slrewn wilh fragment of vessels. Thj present severe weather will no doubt elost the navigation of Ihe canal and lakes.
Suspicious. A policeman of th Eighth Nw York, while passing along Varick heard a cry of 'Murdn' in ihe house No. le-3, and on breaking open lha door, he found a woman named Rowena Wallace wilh her clothes on fire. She was sevrraly burned, and th aliening physician did not think that she would recover. She was taken to the City Hospital, and would give no account of the singular affair.
Liqhtino Tkhton with Gas. Ao agent has mad the necesa ry calculations of the St to light Trenton, N. wiih as. It will eot $73 OOO for th work of sufi.ci. nt capacity, and w.iuld produce a profit, if generally nsed, of $7000 per annum.
It i estimated thai every town ol 5000 inhabitants, can adord to be lighted with ga. St'DDgN DxsTH. A boy (a well-lonking lad) about 16 year of age wa brought from the Chatham Theatre about 4 o'clock yesterday af-ternoon to the 4lh ward station honse, No. 27 James in a fit. Capt Smith, of the police, Immediately sent for Iwo doctors, (Mrlson and Pent,) who attended him until he died, which was in about an hour after he was brought in.
The coroner held an inquest upon the body, and the following is their verdict i Thai he came to hi death by apoplexy, resulting from a fit of epilepsy, aged about 16 years, place of nativity and name unknown." Suit roa Libel. Mr. ses Y. Beach, of the in, has instituted a suit against the litor and Proprietors of the True Sun. for publishing in their paper a paragraph affecting the charac-terof Mr.
Beach. There is a boulder of Copper lying in front of the Eschange. weighing 22000 It is from the Lake Superior Copper Resion, and belongs to the illinwe Mining Company. Yankee Do DLgfor this week contains the first chapter of the new work written for il by Mr. Love, entitled Handy Andy' Pot ig.
GLEANINGS. An Inhuman Monstkb. On Wednesday, in the ofOyer and Terminer, a woman named Bridrel Harman, was convicted of the murder of her infant child, nnder the following circ*mstan-es, as elide! during the iul The accused is a married woman, and nn the 11th August last, was living in pirtof a house on Green lane, ne.r Manayunk, Philadelphii the other portion of which was occupied by a Mr. Wright and his family. Her husband did not live with her and it doe not ppear what has he-come of him.
At the lime alluded to, she had two children, one a boy, about three years old, an I the other, a female infant, named Eliza eth nine months oi l. Early in the morning of the 11th of August, she leltthe house of Mr. Wright and proceeded about three quarters of a mile by a circuitous route lo a lonely dell, in a thick woods, in which was a small stream of spring water. Al a spot where a small cascade wa formed by lha irregularity of the ground, a small Cove had been sooped oulof the bank by action ik. i Tieahela.
and this was the ui ihe miserable woman for the aiui -j murder of her Infant, which is said lo l.ave been i. in it. and aniraff. rOOUSl CHIIU, Afl.r ennmillinir the awiul ina 'al iaa an. deed, she returned th house and taking a sh which she round in tne yarn, sue sei qui anu in i.iaino k.r lnile hov wilh her.
On l.aa ai.c 'J arriving there, she carried Ihe dead body lo some distance and buried il, covering over the spot ith leaves, so as to bide il Irom all curious eye. On returning to the House again, sne slated to Mrs. Wrunt that sne nau got riu oi ner child; that she had been lo the poor house for the nuroose of nu ling ii ihere, but al the tale she met a gentleman and a lady in a carriage, who look it lo raise. 1 ni- story via noi iimc bv Mr. Wrieht.
and suspicion being excited, he wa arrested. Subsequently she volunteered lo show where the child was ouritd and on Ihe road declared to three gentlemen, who accompanied her, that she held ii under the water until it had nc nru uniier luc wi I. 1.1 .1 I. Knri.fl il nunc 1 1 1 m-ala. mnl- her Ihefore the coroner's jury.
Siaiemenia ami nn hr road to nnson. which tally with the above, aad fully criminate herself' ArnnrwT and AxeuTATtoN. Oa Thursday ifternoon a young Irish girl, ah aixteen year l. ikaa Factra Railroad at Lynn, for the purpoe of proceeding to ipswicn. Upon arriving at Ihe Wenhara Depot she left tbe cars, supposing he had reached her place of destination, and did am di-coer her mistake until Ihe train was starting, when he endeavored to tep on board again but, railing, the car passed over one of her arms, mangling it so lhat ampotatioa was necessary.
The operation wa r.i rtr. Peiraua of Salem, aecompa. Ul aasaj, a.wm ai.c aied by Dr. Fisk, wh administered in mr ai. ferc() perfect auecess.the new preparation lately made known by Dr.
Cbarle T. Jackaon aied by Dr. Fisk, wh administered to the suf. and Dr. Mnrtoo, Dentist, of Boston, the inhalation of which prod aces insensibility to ihe pain ofsargieal operation.
The a conscious a ess of the lirl continued smdislorbed anlil near the close of Ihe dreasiog, when simply iaqairrd what ihey were doing bat, wiih another mha-la ion. immediately rvlaswed lata insensibility, aad, npoa coaaiaf lo herself, appoed he had heea air earn tag. Every body will be p'easeJ to hear lhat Mr. Lover ha eoase led bne the imawia! Haa 'y Aady war wore belore the peblie.ia a sene of Aateiaraa Skescbet, writlea far aad parj chased by aa Aaterscaa pgrsudnral. TrilNw.
than tney can uraw aca. ii yo so Ihan, Ihey will i with vm if i not endorse all their pirns, they ga over incontinently lo the enemy. The Harnbiirarra are slringeal in their mess, ares, honest in their "'laws, an I sotneli nes nroeriilivc in theirnpinions. inee iw i. enuld be reconciled or act f.aj-lher, were it not lor lh adoptioa of th new eonvimti wht -h will bring them loeeiher heretfier.
like two lig In a jar, fro the i nple lact Ihst the orgame law a. a fiiltt rral nf the stale leaves mem n.unni, about. All the patronage of the governor has been transferred lo the people the slate credit is preserved by showing nn he ivy apprnp lationg to be made by the leei-laiure, wiihout the con-sent of the people I all monopolies are abroga. ted. an.l the Hn er wing is Ihos drnv.d of the tlixir ri.
which has long preserved them while the Ban.burners, having earned ,11 the reforms ihey required, are eonlnt lo b.lieve that the slala is saved, and their principles unsullied. dKUOKLVN" ILNii i START Fiidny, 37, 1MI6. 7Zik. .1. luviibla lo ih Carriers.
Persons who Jein It by Ihe. wrk or munth. will give ihrtr oolr aceorillailr- Orders left the Orhc. SI FultouMrecU will he given lo Us Carriers ta whoae district Ihe applicanl is uuaiea. Death or am Imilwential Mah.
We look from the Hempsl. ad Inquirer, on Tueslay a no-lice of the decease of Runic W. MnTT, of N. Hempstead, wilh a tumor that he hnd committed suicide by hanging himself. We should regret that so t'riking an example of a good and useful life should be marred by so revolting conclu.
sinii) but even if the rumor is confirmed, it but shows that men of the nicest moral and best principles, who in the clear and calm roMi" of their minds, would be the last to enierlain the idea of sell destruction, upon ll when their minds are enfeebled, and iheir resolution dissol. ved by disease or any henry affliction. The past is full of such eases: The good and tnlight-ened Romillyi the amiable Blanchnid, and one, formerly of Queen county, who uniled the gentlest virtues with th besl habits (Samuel Sherman, for a long time Clerk of the countj are mfficient to illustrate the principle. We do not mean lo make an argument for su-icirfe. It i a conclusion which cover with a cloud, and thus lurns inlo nought the whole example of a aell-apenl life.
Il i Ihe death's head which repels us when we would fnin contemplate the feature of beauty. But although this is the common judgment, yet meditative men will find more lo pity than to blame in the fr nzied acts of these men of noble natures, suddeuly disorganized. Yet while ihey pi Ihey will endeavor to encourage iheir fellow men to habits of discipline and self control, and to reliances su port and consolation in the extremest ills of life, which will enable them to reach its goal wilh a dignity becoming the im- inottal de'iny of the oul. Robert W. Mott was of Q'laker origin, and although not conforming to the garb or tenets of that sect, was a worthy example of the quiet habits and integrity which result from Iheir dn-cipline.
He occupied a benutilul seat on Ihe nrlh side of this Island, and devoted himself lo agiieuliure.relieved and embellished by exercises in reading and reflection. This paper, and the journals of hisown county, have borne testimony to his anility as a writer. He was in politics, a Whig, but one not disposed to go lo all extremes wilh his party. He was once a candidate for the Assembly, aad if the Whig party had held the ascendancy in his county, would undoubtedly have discharged important trusts. He was always ready to lend his hand to liberal works of improvement, nnd was the chief instrument in forming the North Hempstead and Flushing Turnpike Road and Bridge Company, the Presidency of which he held at the lime of his de.
cease. But, peace to his ashes. May the better memory of him live amongst his fellow men. Dn. Cox's Thanksgivinq Sermom.
Yester day Bev. Dr. Cox gave a disburse to his people, heinu the first since his return from Europe. The church was filled to overflowing wilh a pco- pie who are affectionately attached to their venerable pastor. It wa a thanksgiving nd.ires, but contained allusions to his recent European voyage and providential deliverance.
We find a report of this sermon in the Tribune of this morning, from which we take the luliowtng i Allow me to siy lhat on one occa sion, especially wnen oeyouu in iouu I whs travelling about thirlj miles in Ireland, I could not tml contrast tnai irieu anu famished country with the opulence and fullness of this. It is probable thai mere inousatius win starve to death in spile ol all tne ijovemmcni re mini to do. if they can do it. I say this that you may prav for them. That is one reason of 400 of them Uniting in th same ship wilh y- ur pastor to these shores it i one reason of the crowded and increasing emigration which will bring them, if it is possible for them lo obtain the means, by hundreds of thousands to our shores.
Well, have compariiivtly plenty life and health, and of ev- we bi i erv properily in Ihia nation of nation li great country wnicn can uo ur in itself. God keep us from that awful nati nal suicide I Ofler unto God thanksgiving." ll is he that quickens the seed liiai manes ii nn .1.. iht ihe labors and hones of the MIC Co. husbandman prospers our commerce an-l give if. nrosnect or more and more and more im portance among the nations.
For I think it not improper Here 10 butch rtUICOV- i i. rr a r. ol nd an the eves oi r.urope. wnicn is jni me developments of the Mine sort winch will yet hicanr nf i lie civilized globe i Cliric.cii i r.k and that is, lhat very probably the alley of Ihe Mifeisaippi i he the storehone of toe world. The repeal of Ihe corn law in England is to be regarded relniouslv.
Il ia giving bread lot he muilitodef it is diffusing Ihe rrodurtions of Ihe earth i il i facilitating on a permanent fooling, national intercourse, and I have no doubt lhat it is a movement ia which himself has rodeoa Ihe whirlwind and directed the storm. hone ia the providence of God, my dear he.rers, lo refer to the scene of the last mmths as I have wilaeasel them, bat I hjpe to do it as yoar pasiw, without subsiuoiiog things of Ibis wart of general history for Ihe Gopct- 1 4. The scene an! interest of the Evangelical Aliiaace. I ara that lhe scenes arf interests have Ke- relatively east into lha ahad by sabseaaeat evea's. We hop they will f-t L-m t.inm i- lhir 8.
ni.roOf isl olaCC iO Wraiera Mesnisnhere. a ble.iag to lh country a b.easmg la thecbarch. aIum li a -i-iil rflii irtaee iZrornt Rnlaittaail IrvlvasL and lh lia -f ah kani.ia.la'.llcal aaJ re ifi aaj aa relates to war roaatry, wnk the a (kM 4 I dem-nsirauon of the providence of Cd in ganl to ii, reseuint Ide reproviag impiely aad summoning us to special thanksgivng Ihia day i for hiimereci. hive seen.no douni, many accounts of this shipwreck, but Ibrrt ara soma i aspects of not Iht less interesting and impor- ant brciuso maialy religious, ana i wish for a little while to gill your attenitoa. Whea I look at the event and Iht providenca of Ood, as seen ia it, I regard il as em nenlly singular, Inspiring awe aad wonder, and I think, in lha Bitioas.
Which I tiiais sis t( siai-sr ihev ouehl aot to be slow lo leara. Whatever it about which 1 have a very uenniit opinion a l. 1...... Ar lha arall fltul 11 1 am surt that th piovijencs of th grral God wa in it. Tm DirrcaxNcK.
The Joha Bull of lh Advertiser are jocular upon th term which wa used as an abbreviation lor certain assessors of this eity. Had it been used in refer-enca lo ihe said John Bulls it "uld have beea neither a mistake nor an abbreviation. They would never have talked ol libel ia iht latter case. BaoogLTN Ihstitit*. Th concert last evening brought a full house to th Institute Mr.
S'XfHxsn, Mis BrVawN, and the 'Amateur Glee dil themselves much credit, and brought down loud applause. Wemust dissent, however, from demanding Zoo muck nf the generous per. formers we are sure to gel 'ihe worth of our money' wiihout giving an tncort to every piece. PrrtmoanAFHv. Ve were not, until a few days ago, aware of the extent to which Phono, raphy ha already spread over England, Ireland, Scotland and Wa es.
Our reader will surprised to hear lhat there ara already eight weekly and monthly periodicals in those countries, e-ich having a largo subscription li-t. The En-glish Phonographic Society number several thousand members, among whom are st of th teachers of the kingdom. There gentlemen make themselves very active as lecturers all over the country, drawing ihoustnds of person into their classes. Professor Clarke of Msri chal College, Glasgow, is a leading Phooogra pher in Great Britain, and has male aeveral eloquent speeches in favor of lh new system of writing. The ladie of the different auxiliary societies gel up festivals to commemorate its introduction into their respective neighborhoods and, in many instance, the Mayor or some member of the House of Commons presides at Ihem.
Altogether, there is among the Phonographers of Great Britain a degree of enthusiasm on this subject which rarely attaches lo a reform so purely intellectual. Mr. Hill, the Gographici.1 Teacher, gives a Tree Lecture unon his IlHranVED PLAN of Teaching to rn rrow evening, Saturday, Nov 27th, at 7 o'clock, in Ihe basem*nt of Rev. Dr Broadhead' Church, the Dutch Reformed, on Henry t. We advise all patents desirou advancing their children in I his important branch of Education, to he present with their children.
We having witnessed the exercises of one ol his large Classes, are piepared lo say that his Plan is of the highest importance. The Man who mends FoaNiTtraE. Our city, like in neighbor across the river, is becotn ing the scene of rascalities innumerable. Ii i an ol I and apt adige, that Exp i the best schoolmaster," yat we cannot forbear war ning those who may boast of having their eye teeth cut" but have not arrive' nt the point of proficiency required to warrant the cutting of their wisdom teeth-' A lady friend of our in Henry received instructions from this same harsh teacher last night. A man called at the door purporting to come from a furniture atore in Fullqn and enauired for the chair which were to be re paired." The lady having several mahogany chair a little out of order, and upposing that some member of the family had ordered the lur niture man' lo call for them, readily parted with her chairs to mend." We need only add, that, neither the manor the erWrs are likely to be tntndtd as they have sloped." Official Result.
The Albany Evening Journal publishes a table, marked official, giv-ing complete returns of the votes east at the late election for Governor, Lieut. Governor, Constitution and Free Suffrage. The fullowing is the result Governor, Gov. Fish Consti'ution No H7.283 maj. .187,682 92.613 Free SitTrage 84,51 221,324133,815 Fias at Jamaica, L.
I. Last night, about 9 o'clock, the dwelling house owned and oecupi- by James Luck, situsted at Wyckoff Avenue, a little this side of Jsmaica and very near ihe junction of.the Williamsburgh and Jamaica Turnnike roads, took fire from the stove pipe and wa entirely destroyed, together wilh the furniture of ihe house. Romr.D ay a Femalk. The True Sun say that ConMahle Josephs of the 4ih wrd, on nil. hi arrested a woman named Mary llf V.
kavat fn. I i in. HI li Pll at "Kit. nr na! nf ai.ilios the pocneis Ol iairo Cornell, ui aiiib oan -a. t.
street, Brooklyn, the sum of $230, while in bis company at the above named phee. Constable Josephs subsequently succeeded in recovering bout of the stolen money, consisting of bank notes and gold and silver enins. The Wa. Gen. Scotl aad hi staff are ordered to Mexico.
Hi deatinatioa is Tampieo, and he will have the entire control of the war ia future. Aa immediate attack 11 be made oa Tampieo. Myeis announce thai he will apply to' itaia Leeialatur for a divorce from bis I M' Ihe Virginia Leeialaturc for a divorce froa wife, Virginia Myera. The Weatheb. The highest letnperatare TaeVay waa 53 1-2 at 2 P.
M. At ia Ihe evening Su-al 8 aad 9, 40-at 10 aad 11, 50, aad Wednesday aaoraiag al 6, 7 aad 8, 49. with raia rtocm following the rqailibrioaa ofTaes-Jav aaoraiag. Tha ggtraordiaary atale at Ihe oa Ihe artera aoa of tbe 19th, and noiierd ia Ihe Siar of tha Wlh, wa rJwed by he t-rrib gal aa Lake Erie aad also a etr alc oa Leag Itlaai SoaaJ. eomforls of bom.
Aboul ihret month after taking up her residence here, tha yoaa.esi daughter, aboul 1 year oi age, was saa.n '-aadditdi la I following week, younger lhaa iht daughter, also died then, In another week, young man who wa a boarder in ihe family, diad on lb aire week another board. a young man, wa lhrn sick, wni home, and di in Hi following week Ihen on ihe next succeeding week, another daughter died and on Wednesday, th last th ar who earn hera with Ihe mother, died also. The one who died on WednrsJny was married about two months agolo a wo Ihy and industrious mar ban ic of ihis city. They all died of lyphu fever. Lowell Courier.
-Thi elnnement of respect ble eiii-n of Heariao, with th young i'er ol hi wife, has msde a painful aensalioo ia this eommanilv. Th auiltv Dair left lb ny oa Tuetdsy aight, It seem lh transgressor was the husband of the thud wife liersell an Intel, eslin young aoman and has left hi fiioily ol 7 or 8 ehildien, i go oil with Ihe i im of hi guilty pas-ion. Names need not be giv an-l Ihe circ*mstance is only mentioned lo add aaolh-er to lh many instances of human weakness and Richmond Repuh. 25ih. Ngw.YoaK Countt Cleb.
An announce- nl afew drs sine, that Mr. Connoi's re election lo lb County Ckikship would on. iatil. was ami a little in advance nf lb fad. mil unfuunda I.
Ha ha now received nolice nf inch eonleal in due form. It I laimia. that Mr. Hall i the duly elected Clerk, nn the score of illegal voles, alleged irregularities attending the ri turns, Ae. Matxai.an.Oci.
13, 1816. The U. ship Cyan ha burned a Mexican vessel in ihe harb ar of Guayamas, and afterwards bombarded the town. ie has returned to Mazatlan, and wiih the Warren is blockading the port. On th arrival of the Commodore an attack oa il i expected.
n. A man named R. Smilh. of the ik city of New York, wa accidentally shot by his companion while hunting der in Cochecton, Sullivan county, last week. The srounn ar evere.
but he may recover. A destructive Br occurred in St. Louis oa the I4ih inst. It originated in a small grocery on th levee, aad soon communicated lo several aiJjoinmg buildings, which wer entirely eonsum ed. Depurliire of Allaulic ftieaiiien i-BOM A.MEBICA.
IBOSS LlVKBPOOL. Orent Weslern.Nov.26 Caledonia Nov. 19 Acadia D-g 1 Cambria Dee. 4 Britannia Acadia SON BISES SDN SET. Sun rises.
...6 a Sun sets. .4 34 Moon sets 10 41 H. wter. EVaPiiiisKM. BROOKLYN.
Tcesdat, Novernher 24. History, at th Brooklyn Institute. JlfH-York Aninonneia. THIS EVENING Nov. 27.
Pabk Theatbe. King John Lend Me Five Shillings. Bowsaw Theatbe. Barbarossa Warlock of the Glen Bronze Ho.se. Chatham Theatbe.
Siege of Monterey- American Manacer in London House Dot. Olympic Theatbe. 3 Gi'ls Taming a Tar tar Swiss Cottage John Pretty John Jr. Co. Amemican Museum.
-Day and Evening Per forinances during the week. Minebva Rooms, 406 Broadway. Belden'i Model of New-York and Brooklyn. lot Offirv. Brooklyn Mail Bitwttn An city and A'rw York.
Leave Brooklyn daily at 1 2 a. 8 1-2 a. and 2 1-2 P. m. i arrive at New York same day by 6 A.
A. M. and 3 at. Leave New York daily at 6 1 4 a. 9 1-4 a.m.
and 3 1-4 r. m. i arrive al Brooklyn same day by 6 3-4 a. 9 3-4 a. m.
and 3 3-4 r. The North Mail, via Albany, Canandaigua Rochester and Buffalo, will be closed ilailr at A.M. and 3 1-2 o'clock p.m. This Mail includes Ihe Province of Canada. The Mail on ihe West side of the Hudson, via Hackensack, Ramapo Works, Esopus, New Baltimore, and the Counties of Tompkins, ChemunaT.
TiOata. Steuben, fcc. closes daily at ...6, A. m. The Mail for offices bordering on the West side of the Hudson river, closes daily at 6, A.
M. ami 3 I 2. P. M. The Fair unci Fcalivul IET Of the Uniled Brethren, or Moravians, lo aid in procuring means for Ihe erection of a plain house of wo ship in th city, will continue this day.
Friday, November 27ih, afternoon and eve. ning. Gentlemens' Tickets, (including refreshments) 60 cents each Ladies 25 cents. To be had at Wilder's Bookstore, 61 Fulton opposite Hicks nnd at the door. C7 Article not disposed of by private sale, will he 'Id at Auction in tha evening.
Nov. 27. Itg Notice to the Public. 07 Persons desirous of obtaining Ihe services of folice Officers at auv hour in ihe evening, will find Ihem at the Police Office, corner of Henry and Cranberry streets the Waich House nd at the Fulton and Catharine Ferric, every evening onlil the selling of the Walch. Brooklyn, Nov.
25, li46. tl CJ- Physiologically and Mentally considered, in four Experimental L'Ctore on Ihe Human fiorL, by LA ROY SUNDERLAND, in the Brooklyn Inititutt, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday anil Saturday eveninis, of the present week at 7 o'clock, in which an attempt will be made to acc*nt for the Visiont of Swtdtnborg, and the Popish Miradtt, without supernatural agency, and giving the Rationale Sptllt, Charms. Fascination, Trance, Somnambulism, Sctral Itluiions, Creaming, Inanity Second Sight, Witchcraft and Ghosts, combining a eerie of result produced in the mind of the audience, Ecstatic, Grave, Witty, Mirthful, Musical, Mysteri-OB and Wonderful. C7" Single Ticket 25 cents to be had al the doaar. Novernher 24.
4t Ia New York, William K. Post to Helen Mead Henry E. Suiton lo Miry L. Chappell Daniel Barclay lo Elizabeth Eckersoa. In New York, Mary Mealey, aged 26 1 Chas.
Panck.aged 62 Rev. Robert L. Hunter, A. aged 59; Almira wife of Samuel Brown aged 48; John R. Crawell aged 12; Abo Me 12; Thomas Finlea, aged 64 Hea.y Tabor, aged 35; Martha Craig, aced 32 Jamea D.
aged 18 Isaae Maddea. aged 19. I'repnrt fer WiHlcr. DAVID A. HERRICK, No.
72 MAITEN LA.NE.N.Y. would inform the inhabitant af Brooklyn aad lhat ha a choice as-nrtsneal of Gealleasens aad Ladie Uadei Giraaeat, of Woullca, Merino, Silk. Flaaael, tf every style aad qaalny. Al. Sharta, S-ock.
Collars Cravat. Ho-4ery, Jic, which Ul be told al is kwet prsee. DAVID A. HERRICK, 72 Maadea Lane aad 7 liberty at. October 21, 1846.
if I win imv ooii. Compolilloii ael nt WeliaiM-e I THE subsa riber having reduced Ihe prices of his Goods 25 per is now prepared lo offer the greatest inducements in Dry Goods ever known in Ihis enonlry. Among bis slock may be found the following i nc-aia. a' Texiennes and Silk Muslins, Swiss Ginghams, French Lawn Organdie Scnieti Embroidered French Robes, do. Polka do.
Swiss Striped Swiss Robes, do. Fancy Swiss Lawn, French Maslins, Printed Or. aadie Cashmere. De laines and iDirvn xn xtl.UMER SHJWLS. Jlia'U Cashmere Broche, Pnn ed do.
anion Crspe, Figured and striped Silk, Barrrge and Balxorinr, besl fabric, Lima Wool, Thibet Wool, plain and figured De laine, and seveial other sules. Th -se, togeiher wuli an excellent assortment of bonnet and cap ribbons, thread and cotion laces, silk and linen Cambria handkerchiefs, gloves, hosiery, every kind of drawer muslin, and in fact every article in Ihe dry goods line, inclu-ding a large lot of Ladii s'an i Misses Hals, oill be sold shove, in a.rder lo dispose a surplus stock of these goo 's. Also, a large lot of CJRPETISGS, at the following rates i Thompson's all wool three ply, best fabric such as is ge erally selling for 14s. for yard. Thompson's 3-ply do 12s.
for 9s yard, do. Ingrain do 9s. for 66d. do. do do 8s.
for Cs do. do do 6s for 46d. Large lot do do 4s. Tor 261. LEE, 215 Gieenwirh ret, beiween Murray and Robinson, New York Jane g.
BROOKLYN INSTITUTE. rrrTiii. last MR. LOVER (author of Handy Andy, Rory O'Alore, beg to annoonee hi last appearance, yoiitively, on WEDNESDAY December 2d, 1846, on which o. osion he will pre-enl his favorite Evening," entitled THE OUTLAWS, and OF Elll.t, with numerous anecdote and illustrations of national character.
The metrical tale of "The Irish rislu'riiian." The celebrated recitation of SHAMU8 BRIEN," and Mr. Lover's original comic atoiy of THE COW THAT ATE THE PIPER Admission 50 cent. Ticket to be had al Mr. Hjousheri' Music More Mr. Wilder' Book- tore and at the Stir office.
Door open al 7 performance lo commence at 7 1.2 ad conclude aboul 9 1.2 o'clock November 27. id MARSH'S Claaaicnl aft Commercial Academy In th room adjoining th Ltctur Room of Dr. Brodhead's Church, Bro klyn, I. MR. MARSH respectfully informs those person who have aon to educate, that ha ba taken ihe achool lately laueht by the Rev.
E. Hutchinson, and that he will dra all in his power lo advance his pupils in every branch of Classical, Scientific and Commercial Education. Many years experience as a teacher ha rendered him familiar with nil ihe nameless and numberless minuti so necessary to secure tha attention and awaken the interrit of fhe younsj in Iheir studies; to enable him to read wilh certainty the variou shades of disposition and character of his pupils, and lo adapt hi coure of instruction to their capacities. Every kindness will be shown lo scholars consistent with good order and perfect re'1'" lions. Each lesson is explained and illustrated by the Principal, whoe constant aim will be to give practical importance to eveiy rule and example presented lo lb minds of his pupils.
TERMS. PATABL AT THE KXriBATION or HALF THE Q. Common English Brunches, per quarter of 12 weeks Higher English Branches do 12 00 lo 1 Latin and Greek Langnae, do I5 German, French, Spanish, Ital an, Draw ing aad Painting eaea extra Collegiate Depanroeal Stationery 5 00 20 01 50 50 Fuel -r Iht Parents and goardiaaa wishing lo examine Ihe root or enter pa p. Is, will he cheerfully npa, by calling at Ibt school room or al No. P.aeapple it.
or line nddree.l lo tbe Principal, through lh P.at Office, will reerr roaspl aiteatioa. REFERENCES. Rev. J. Brwdhead, D.Rev.
W. H. Lewi, g.H.('e,D D. C. ap.
A B.Sraddee, D-D 8. Haahiaa, A. Messier, D. H. Wi.liaoi Tbosaloa, E-aj H.
McDel EH Dr. Vaaderveer, Dr. Da a -abeay. Kerr. 25, 1846.
ly tt pr. j-ta nf mteraal improvements which will lake mnmrj Irom Ihe reid-, wilbout a corr pwadiat bent on pceserv.ag tSe credit lh at oppd ia laxiag Ihe peopie by ci'Mvagant lo piwleet snaanfaetare noew an nopol.e of all lo teparate kaaks feoa govrmiDeiH, and dewroo earrriag Ifceif ieaara by the fower of tant drtpl ae. if thy Ty Iheas by tbc free aJ I'Wal portw t( i aaa here. I.