Opinion: Who profits from Southern California's high gas bills? The problem is we don't know (2024)

The doubling and in some cases quadrupling of Southern Californians’ natural gas bills in recent months stemmed from rapid price spikes in the so-called spot market, a real-time wholesale market for the fuel. The lack of transparency in California’s spot market for gasoline played a similarly major role in the pummeling California drivers took at the pump last year.

The secrecy surrounding transactions in both of these markets keeps the public in the dark about who is making a fortune off their pain. Transparency would not only reveal the profiteers but could also discourage future gouging.

Southern California Gas Co., the monopoly that provides gas in Southern California, usually draws down its stored inventory of gas in the winter instead of buying it during the colder months, when it is most expensive. This year, however, rather than tap its inventory, the utility chose to buy massive quantities of gas on the spot market — where someone made a fortune off natural gas prices that were 10 times higher than usual.


The public does not know who reaped this windfall, but it is in our interest to find out. SoCalGas’ parent company, Sempra Energy, has an energy trading arm that sells gas to the utility. Did SoCalGas’ decision to buy on the spot market at a peak drive up the price and help an affiliated company make a killing?


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Unfortunately, that remains unclear because spot market transactions in natural gas are shielded from public scrutiny. Comparable electricity transactions, by contrast, were made public after Enron traders took advantage of deregulation to loot California. Now every electricity trade on the spot market is published, deterring such misconduct.

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or FERC, has the power to publish natural gas spot market transactions but has never done so. The nonprofit group Public Citizen has petitioned the agency to change that. Southern Californians, who just paid the highest natural gas bills in America, have a right to know who got their hard-earned money.


Natural gas isn’t the only fuel that Californians found themselves paying dramatically more for in recent months. At one point in October, California gasoline prices rose to $2.60 more per gallon than the U.S. average. The enormous gap powered historic profits for oil refiners, which doubled their profits per gallon in the West last year, according to their own public reports to investors. Gasoline prices that soared past $6 a gallon caused incalculable pain for low-income families, some of whom had to choose between filling their tanks and putting food on the table.

How can oil refiners charge Californians so much more at the pump when their production costs, as evidenced by their profits, don’t justify it? California oil refiners set the price they charge station owners for gasoline based not on their costs but on the price of California gasoline on the spot market — a market controlled by the five oil refiners that make 98% of our gasoline, along with a small group of traders.


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Like the analogous natural gas market, California’s gasoline spot market is shrouded in secrecy, making it vulnerable to manipulation. The California attorney general’s office is suing traders SK Energy and Vitol for allegedly manipulating the spot market after Exxon’s Torrance refinery went down in 2015. The companies are accused, among other things, of making trades in which no gasoline changed hands solely to drive up the price of the fuel.


This is possible because no public ledger of trades on the gasoline spot market exists — only voluntary reports to the Oil Price Information Service, an oil industry news service. Nothing requires disclosure of a trade, its quantity or the identity of the buyer or seller. Nor is there a record of how many trades occur in a given day. The service publishes only a spot market price.

That means a single trade can set the price of all retail gasoline in the state for days or weeks. When the spot price is high, there is no incentive to report a trade. Robert McCullough, an economist who has studied energy markets for decades, testified before a state Senate committee recently that at the height of the spikes last fall, the spot price for gasoline didn’t change for two weeks. If that had happened with the Dow, he wondered, wouldn’t someone have noticed?

California’s Legislature, which is considering how to avoid future spikes in gas prices, should make transactions on the spot market public. Federal regulators, meanwhile, already have the power to impose similar transparency on the natural gas market. Shedding some sunlight on prices could help Californians weather future winters.

Jamie Court is the president of the Los Angeles-based nonprofit Consumer Watchdog.

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Opinion: Who profits from Southern California's high gas bills? The problem is we don't know (2024)


Who is to blame for California gas prices? ›

A new study finds the real culprit is California's own government. “Pain at the Pump: Blame Politicians, Not Producers, for High California Gasoline Prices” is by Robert J. Michaels, an economics professor at Cal State Fullerton, and Lawrence J. McQuillian, a senior fellow at the Independent Institute.

Why are Southern California gas bills so high? ›

Factors that could impact your bill include the commodity cost of natural gas (also referred to as the “core procurement gas price”), seasonal variations, an increase in your natural gas appliance usage, weather conditions, and any remaining unpaid balance from prior bills.

Who is benefiting from high gas prices? ›

Shale oil producers are particularly well-suited to benefit from high gas prices given the relatively quick turnaround for extracting this type of oil. Shale is a type of rock that can be found Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and other states that contains oil and gas.

Why are Californians paying more for gasoline than anyone else? ›

Dual Taxes

Adding to the bill at the pump, California motorists also pay the highest taxes in the country, according to data compiled by the US Energy Information Administration. Drivers in California pay a per gallon excise tax and sales tax.

What is the real reason gas prices are so high in California? ›

"California has its own blend of gasoline, it has very high taxes, and it has a cap-and-trade program," De Haan said. "All of those factor into what you pay at the pump."

Who actually controls gas prices? ›

Petroleum prices are determined by market forces of supply and demand, not individual companies, and the price of crude oil is the primary determinant of the price we pay at the pump.

Why is California paying so much for natural gas? ›

High demand: Unusually cold weather has pushed Californians to throttle their thermostats. Low supply: Infrastructure repairs in Texas and high gasoline demand in Canada resulted in fewer imports to California, which gets almost 90% of its natural gas from out of state.

Is SoCalGas a monopoly? ›

Southern California Gas Co., the monopoly that provides gas in Southern California, usually draws down its stored inventory of gas in the winter instead of buying it during the colder months, when it is most expensive.

How can I lower my SoCalGas bill? ›

Lowering the temperature on your water heater or setting it at 120 degrees, can save up to 22% in energy costs. Take shorter hot showers. Clean or replace your furnace filters according to manufacturer recommendations. Install proper caulking and weather-stripping to save roughly 10 to 15% on heating bills.

Who is profiting from gas prices? ›

Do Oil Companies Make Money on High Gas Prices?
Company2021 net income (crude oil averaged $71)
Exxon Mobil Corp.$23 billion
Shell Oil Co./Motiva Enterprises LLC$19 billion
Chevron Corp.$16 billion
BP North America$13 billion
2 more rows
Apr 1, 2022

Why are oil companies making record profits? ›

In 2021, a swift recovery in demand and limited oil supply pushed up oil prices around the world, and Saudi Aramco more than doubled its profits, overtaking Apple as the world's most valuable company.

Who makes the most profit from gas? ›

Exxon Mobil was the leading oil and gas producing company worldwide by net income as of 12-month rolling data from June 2024. Many oil supermajors are among the most profitable oil and gas companies after rebounding from losses caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Who is responsible for California's high gas prices? ›

The Facts: The Energy Commission has long maintained a web site that details the specific factors that have led to California's higher fuel prices. As summarized: Higher taxes. As discussed above, California has the highest state gasoline taxes and fees among the states and DC.

Why is California so rich? ›

Agriculture is one of the prominent elements of the state's economy: California leads the nation in the production of fruits, vegetables, wines and nuts. The state's most valuable crops are cannabis, nuts, grapes, cotton, flowers, and oranges. California produces the major share of U.S. domestic wine.

Why is California so expensive to live in? ›

Housing, transportation, food, utilities and taxes are the biggest factors driving the state's higher cost of living. Lack of affordable housing is one of the state's most pressing challenges.

Who controls the natural gas prices in California? ›

The CPUC regulates natural gas utility service for approximately 10.8 million customers that receive natural gas from Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E), Southern California Gas (SoCalGas), San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E), Southwest Gas, and several smaller investor-owned natural gas utilities.

Why is gas more expensive in California than Texas? ›

California's gasoline has traditionally been more expensive than the rest of the country because of the state's special blend requirements, which are more costly to produce. California also imposes high taxes and fees associated with initiatives to reduce carbon emissions.

What was the price mistake on the gas station in California? ›

The manager of a Northern California gas station was fired after he accidentally set the gas price to 69 cents a gallon. John Szczecina, who served as the manager for a Shell gas station in Rancho Cordova, said he mistakenly placed the decimal in the wrong spot and that the price was supposed to be $6.99 a gallon.

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