The Times from London, Greater London, England (2024)

I Commander excelle it height hetween decks, and apply to. Witiam a nutaber of Hill, For J. I. Arneld, 3, lane, Lombard -trert or to VOTICE to SUCEPIALUA SHIPPERS to for the BOMBAY unfavourable state of the Amunday best, that and day. will Apply receive to light detained to India MADRAS direct, fast railing to ship sail positively A 1, the 509 tons 3d TOR the CHAI MERS, or Commander; (having lying in excellent the Wot accommoda In tia of passace to the Commander, on band; or to James Ira vchurch street.

MADRAS direct, meet with has frumediate three-fourths despatch, the of her THUD TOR Per BrickS Grr at 8. freight in for or the SHARP, the convenience Katharine apply 500 to and J. Henry comfort This and TOR rowend MADRAS and and will embart CALCUTTA, (to al Port sail mouth, from the solet did, river at. 1. 46 Commander: lying in the Kart India tons, belongine to Green, of Blackship has For freight or apply passenger, to superior accummodations for sureron.

16, Cambill; or St. Martin's place, La F. Gree an 2 64, Cornhill.or A TOTICE to SHIPPERS the very unfarourahle wosther the and PASSENGERS for MADRAS -I has enaroidahly delayed fisting for as. She prods in the East India Dock unof and sail positively from On oft ins st will curry an to Grindlay add 16, nigers Martial piece, er to Green and 64. CALCUTTA: will have Gond mediate bet despatch, ship NOR with 200 re DEN A 1 and coppered, THION AS TILLSON.

ComCANTATA. in the London Dock. its very superior accommodaFor freight or mange apply to G. E. Hodgkinson and 74.

Corn hill. DOOR CALCUTTA, rafting last shipping ACINDIAN. day 800 1st tons, of lying in the lad India Docks. FANES has ex: Dent son win undation for pomensers, and will carry an Tre er passage apply to Mown John or to William Felgate and No. 19.819.

TOR BOMBAY, to en mil immediately, the shipping. having Ane, the Gand I I tons the Katharine TOTICE to SHIPPERS tor the CALCUTTA unfavour. dirt The weather, ALEXANDER is detained BARINO, until Saturday owing to next, and will to R. THE B. licht of Linday, India dates, T.and following carries Fast trade, an In will tia Bruith, embark superior kare experienced of chamber, up to pamengers Graven 12 surgeon.

SHIPS, o'clock Newmetle-upon-Tyne, at. Lendenhall-strort. on Last punctually Porterouth that belonging shipping and at day. the built day Apply week un. to by in Eat Dock days previously 1100 G.

Geo. Thomas P. Edw. Commanders Lambert Scott Bird Madras Calcutta Ditto Ditto Distinations, direct Calcutta July To May June April 25 15 3 Sail. 1100 John.

Domett Ditto July 1150 M. J. Lar Capean1 Calcutta Ang. 1 in Ca cutta direct Auc. 5 1400 C.

Close Ditto Sept. 1 Captain William Fa'cher, or Mr. Southern, at T. and W. to THE following splendid SHIPS, belonging to of Blackwell, built and fitted espresly for the trade, will leave Graresend at the appointed dates.

Each Last carries shipping ay in the Hast India Docks three days previously. ship an surgeon. Same. Tons J. W.

Acantan Nash Pitley Captain. Cape Cape Bombay Destination. Calcutta direct July June To 3 10 20 Sall. See Ship C. d.

Con-itt Cape Madras, A ugust 14 A. Rowen, H. C.S. Calcutta direct July 30 Miners 2 As may be re Briton R. D.

M' beod Caicutta direct Oct. (Sept. 1 10. For JOSEPH TIER Nest freight P. me the SCOTT.

Coffrehouse: CEYLON 20cb W. or April apply Parkle to Corsmander. direct, the to Wimble the to Has and DUKE respective embark superior Allport, of quired. 156, ANGYLL, Commanders, accommodation passengers 800 at tons, the at for For sprig to Cantata Wm. Fulcher, or Mr.

at T. and W. Amith Cernhill. by FOR MAURITIUS direct, for fine freight. passensod specie.

tun Tie under entione! Ent the CANCEL on ENDERTY. 7e 35 tons the days reciter, named Captain J.W, MILLER, to April London Docks. CHOLD LADY VALIANT. tons reciter, Captain J. W.

LANE, to mil April 15; tring London Docks, Goats be received ister than three days prior to wiling. Per freight or paance to H. D. and Jas. Blyth and Greene, 9, Austin frian, London.

STEAM to INDIA- and CHINA, via Egypt.BELL Bernhar- Menthly Mail Steam, Conreyance for and Goads to Madras, Calcutta, Penang, Bingapore, and The Peninentar and Oriental Steam Navigation Company and receive goods and parce's for the shore pairts by starting from Southampton the 20th, and from Sues on the of every month. For rates money. plans the and to secure paanges, apply at the Company's offices Mary axe, London. VERLAND ROUTE viA reach Trieste 'travellen have the choice eight the most upon the continent. On the 10th of May the steamer ITALIA, a powerful vowel, built expressly for speed and the ascommodation of will start from Trieste for Alexwithout touching at any intermediate port, sad will in correspondence with the arrival at Buez of the East Company's steamer.

To secure manges apoly at the of the Austrian Steam Narigation Company, 137, Leaden- CHINA LINE of For HONG SONG and WHAMPOA, the following fire class A 1 copships, to load in the London Docks, will tie CRAWFORD. 428 tons. April 15. DUNLOP. 446 tons, May 15.

QUEEN, GORDON. 400 tons, June 15. Per apply to W. 8. Linday, Abchurch lane or 7.

0. change NOR SYDNEY to Passengers.The Ene, Rritish-built ship ROYAL SAXON, tone resister. Commander, on her was to Plymouth to embark passengers, and will leave that port or about the of April. Sho has a full poop. with niperior carries an experienced sarzeon, and has still one EN or cabins Comb.ill: disengaged.

or to Apply Lachlans to and Robert M'Lend, Brooks, 42. Cornhill. St. SYDNEY ROYAL MAIL PACKETS, sailing milk- For SYDNEY onl dire, (to mall from Gravesend on the 14 April, on the 1st of each from Gravesend, currying Her 60 don Toyse: goods out react and Priti ROBERT This and b-bufit superior board KNOWN, in India revel, after EMPEROR Comrnander with the haring 29th great of just of lying the CHINA, at despatch, March, complete! the A the has 1 Jetty. 12 her splendid, spacious years, Lon- Ent every convenience comfort of and baring good height between decks, is well suited for those order to be Moore, and for terms of freight or pasage apply and or to Henry and Calvert packet of aft on the April, and will be succcoded by the mai! Greed Bishop-esto-street.

The next Sydney the lit May I FOR PORT ADELAIDE direct. -Notice to Pas- The fine, BIBELLA. A 1, pearly R. new, R. fat COLEMAN.

Briti-b-built Commander, hip has ins and will leave Deptford on the 25h at to embark She bas ba and ARSE COLONIES 4. 62. and and Correll. EMIGRATION curies CAPE an of experienced GOOD to the surgeon. Apply very AUSTRALIAN to saperior Lachchief AGENT for Her HOPE, Majesty's including Colonfal provisions, Land 1 for the wort of The frum England, receives appliPort A de, or persons the Cape, wishing being to emigrate authorized to to select Sydney, eligible Port Philip, in with the persons and are dance on Commissioners application regulations.

Full letter, information to 11. wall Plymouth. personally, or by street. Agent for Government broken and arra: only. ged to all parts of the world with respectable DOOR PORT March, PHILIP direct, (last shipping day under charter to Her Majesty's Emigration ComIndia trait ail PALMINA.

March. the tons fine fint fad-railing. East Commander in, the Ea4 602 India resister, Dock. This JOHN splendid ROBERTSON. first-class aria taus an full with very ruperior accommodation for freight apply to Lachlans and calla and At M'Leod, Plymouth 62.

to entark. Fur NEW ZEALAND COMPANY'S SHIP for The OTAGO, provencer Wellinston, ship Nelson, and BLUNDELL, New 573 Piymouth, tons, in New Zealand. Landen Docks, be despatebed as above, on Monday, now the of If sod of will carry an experienced surgeon. Apply at New lit Lood Mr. Joseph the Court Stagner, of broker, 110, Fenchurch-street, By orderof Director, THOMAS CUDBERT HARINGTON.

New 7caland House, 9. Broad street Lon Ion, March 16, TEW the first packet for WELLINGTON her and ACCRLAND direct, to mil fint week in Ent class ship CORNELIA. A I tande lying coppered at copper fastened, G. MICKLEBURGIL, Comthe felty. London Docks, This superb ship has 1, and for the comfort and entrenience of passerwill an experienced surgeon.

No taken. Pot freight, or further migrant information, or stecrage apply and Fart India chamber, or Ea4 India-chambers, 1 ION, FOR NEW YORK, to sail on the 10th April, toe, fad find class and ship cleared on GARLAND or before GROVE, the bar- 9th to be alongside MOLD the tops, copper and onuper JOHN JACKSON. Comtying excellent in the St. Dock. This ship has a superior emoliate and steeraze airy between docks For for terms the of freight acoupmodation of of poseure inCart.

Jackson, on board or to Charles Gumm, 4, King's Change aller. Corbel. to PASSENGERS by the Royal Mail be Bueum ship Mhin HIBERNIA HIBERNIA for leave HALIFAX Liverpool and 'NEW HALIFAX YORK.SEW TORE To will for be in and 5 the to take remont off the south end March of 25. the A Passengers Prince's steamer Dock, will at particularly half- atto send their are be allowed to go on board the on board the day before. No passengers be at steamer that takes the mall.

Parcels mening (Fridayt, the March azent's but in Liverpool, up further to 6 o'clock this ION, to J. B. 2. not later. For particular 11.

Water 014 Proad Liverpool. street, London or Monte D. and 2 KiTISH and NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL wren MAIL STEAM SHIPS, and appointed by Liverpool the Admiralty to roll tia to land end and New York, The following or other are pas appointed ensers to and sall Her from Maloty's Liverfor for NEW FORK, Saturday, March 25. HIBERNIA, AMERIC NEW BOSTON, YORK, Saturday, 8. Saturday, April 15, ad goods fer York Saturday, are till intended November, inclusive.

Tho in the jurisdiction of the to be landed at Jerscy City, Including providona, 88 custorn-house guineas, of Now but York. without wines or 45 be each. nisained on board. Steward's fee, which one guinea. Found, 62, Vor dreet, of other E.

Boston Edward Cunard, London New York: and sanan-street, or D. and 0 M'Iver, J. NO 100 of PRISTERE DOUBLE DEMY, st a low figure for Reams cash. corer, to C. who would so the lowest vendor, price, st to be sent, Corent-gardon.

1 0 0 0 00 0 00 00. 0 00 0 00 00 00 00 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 00. 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 00 0 0 P. P. MOHAM ANUTE MIT LONDON, FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1848.

PRICE, WITH A SUPPLEMENT, 5d. they shall be happy to is BIN, assured and will by entirely his orerlook parents the that past, will be Sunday preached in next, the parish March church 26, of St. TWO Sepulchre, SERMONS Akinner Ladies and Gentlemen, PROPRIETORS of EAST INDIA STOCK. THE HERETICAL, CHURCH by the of Promoters ENGLAND of a Petition against PRONOUNCED the Con- FOR a SALE, gentleman, BLACK GELDING, the property To the they are fully disposed to swent to his wish to continue to travel: street, for the joint Benefit of the Boys and Schouls of 8t: July last, immediately after the contested of Dr. Hampden ta the See of Hereford: Tract for the and even, quiet in double a-t and having single work ani a fur Heis rising Repuichre, Middleres: that ir the morning, before the Right Hop, the election between Captain Far wick and General Caulfold, I had Timer.

By CLERICUS, M.A., Cantab. Hatchard London a seen during the forenoon, at Katon-termoe barnew, mew. good hackney. H. F.

who left his home on Sunday, the 19th Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, Common Councilmen of the Ward, by Me the bonour to address you in the foilewing In to call at 6, instant, Rood is lane, earnestly requested to RETURN where to he his will parenta, find and let- the Right Rev. Rev. J. O. the W.

Lord Bishop of ST. that in the evening by Prot ith my rietors, friends, that and General I am persuaded with a large rotes proportion of the DVERTISKMENTS intended for the NEW 10 be SOLD, a bargain, the property of a tradesE. and terms Feeling common Torquay. directed for htm. street, elty, Hospital.

Hervice to begin at 11 o'elect Morning in the Preacher morning, at the and Magda- ball- election, ought not to be subjected Caulfelld, to who contest palled on 1,018 the -nest at the late I A who has no further nue for them, a handsome past 6 in the shall refrain from to the poll a Shat leave will be SERIES of the COURT JOURNAL. the fint number of which MARE, Harness, and nearly sew Phacton. The mare BROWN the GENTLEMAN dining at the Speaker's evening. to repent, that in going accordance there on it in not intention nOW to to copies puhlished on circulate Esturday in all morning. and of which an additional either in addle or barnen.

Apply at 13, Clerkenwell. warranted quiet would RETURN the NEW CHURCH. the ballot at the neral Election on the 13th of my April, go ins 5,000 before Friday will a be 1 -Office, the 18, Well mpitals in Europe, must Strand. be sent N.B. The phaeton void without the mare.

Dinner, Saturday, March 11, on BLACK that evening, BEAVER he will COCKED And his own HAT. hat which :1, he took Eaton away square. by inistake the above Sunday Church: nest, that in March the 94, TWO SERMONS will be WOODWARD. preached in I hase the honour to be, out obedient and Genil men, IDOT, UNIVERSAL DIRECTORY from Sturbridge fair. WILLIAM at and in the evaning by the Rev.

mering JACKSON by the J. Bev. SMYTH. M. M.A.

After Your WILLIAM DENT. (Bengal servant, Civil Servi or. for 1848 COLLINS, of Mount street, Larsteth, co). begs to inform noblemen OST, between the Nine-elms Railway Station which Collections will be mad to Defray the Expenses of the Church, Lendon, 11, King's Arms- yard, March 23, LAVA. ance of 2,000 Annuatre gages larvest du size, Commerce, enntaining commereis! extraordinary references perform- to and above lair, gentlemen, be conting has of this day received PIPTEYN HORSES from the and Claremont, on Wednestay, the instant, a GENEVA.

incurred before and since the denth of the late Iter. It. C. DiSon, D.D. PROPRIETORS every place in France, and all places note in the together with bones.

hunters, carriage horses, hacks, and ladies double cued, enameled GOLD WATCH. to lady, who The Services of the revised Comic Pmyer Rook will be used on My To Lords, the Ladies, and Gentlemen, of EAST INDIA STOCK. every variety of geograpbica! an 1 antistical in IT will ton's give a hich REWARD for its recovery, by its being brought to Fen- occasion, both morning and evening, by the ordained Proabytery of the Have the honour that the sures, such we have rarely seen collected in one VLARENCE or BROUGHAM Hotel, 84. James's treet, to the care of Mr. Fenton.

Reformed Mnelich Church. to acquaint you Gazette. P. Didnt and 21, King Willam-strae Strand. BALK, PAIR of DAPPLE Onomittee for conducting my N'ection on the 19th of April wilt loch high, fine GRAY GELDINGS, 15 banda OST, on Tuesday' night last, in the neighbour- MAGDALEN HOSPITAL, March 24, open at the Loodon Tarern on Monday, the 27th when I earnestly THE HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE A new ha they are very action, and both cued to sage and double bool of piaos, Dorset square, a sough WHITE NIVERSARY thie Charity wi'l he bolden on solicit the attendance of my friends, and of those hangurable and in- edition of the introdartory camber of this Price 85 guineas, the be property seen of 0 who may he referred to.

SCOTCH TERRIER DOG. answering to the name -f Who- May 17, when a SKIESION will be preached in the Charei of tho dependent proprietors who way feel themselves at liberty to favour me dening and flowers in just published, price 24., popular 95 work cohemne on ear- of Gray ian-lane. To at born, Son. and Banks, King's mews ever has found the same and will bring it to 12, Dinet- Hospital hy the lev. WM.

HARRISON. Incurabent of with their support. letter prom and 12 complete in itself. Hold shall be handsomely REWARDED for their trouble and Michael, Dumestic Charlain to 11. R.

If. the Duke of Cam- have the bonour to be very respectfully, sellers, or will be sent free to every part of the kin dom by hy all the book- pub. CORSE for SALE, Job, or and formerly Morning to the Magdalen My J.ora, Ladin, ape Gentlemen, l'aber, C. Cox, 12, King William-street, Struad, of 18 postage He is Are a bridge, Exchange, bargain. Divine service will commence at 1 o'clock precisely, and a cutlection wit Your very faithful servant, on receipt band high, a fast, very wound, superior and dapple gray gelding.

old. Tull 16 RINK POUNDS LONDON be made in aid of the funda of the Institution. JOHN ARTHUR MOORK. Major, brougham horse. One of lew and de or DOCK -WARRANT.

of 121 bks olive oil and ephynx, Connibcer, The Governors and other friends of the Charity will dine together on inte on the Staff at Hyderabad, Deccan. JOURNAL pour RIRE, edited by Ch. ample trial granted. value barre taken in exchange, and freen Perille, entered in June, Any person who will the same day at the Albion Tavern, Alder eate-street. at 6 London, March 23, 1848.

Phflipon. and published Saturdays, 3 At Also Con a very one younr Dog. same to Mr. Basely, stationer, Old Broad will the above JOSEPH BRACKENBURY. Ar.

1.A. It in at farticularly requested that alteration in address quarter. This amusing French on the number 54., or 4. 6t. will per price 3, VT REWARD may be to my Committee.

any appear on Naturday next, contains mper, every week eighth four pages of of which SHETLAND PONIES. -For SALE. a few DILL or MISLAID. a BILL of Kiwanda street, Portman SCIENTIFIC LECTURE, INSTITUTION, by Dr. Ladies the Gentlemen, PROPRIETORS of EAST INDIA STOCK.

on Ord- re- political received or other by subject, Alexander drawn Delizy. by the office best de French Pahlicite, 11A. North from 9 to superior 104 bauds handsome high. One SHETLAND of them, PONTES, bright direct fruto the inland, inches very EXCHANGE for £10, drawn by G. Men tin or J.

0. Burrow MANTELL. on the RIRDN NEW ZEALAND, will he an proximo Wellington street, Strand and throuch all newmen and booksellers bish, very quiet, and well broken for a or hay: tartan only 36 auctioneer, dated December 22, 1847, at three months after date. Who- delivered March at 3 o'clock precisely. Tickets THE having been appointed for the Very powerful black pony.

104 hands bich, a capable of currying Another, simons 1 1, may Cambridge hare pisce, found the same Kennincton-road, is requested Lambeth. to take it Any to one Mr. G. retaining Dyer, 64. stitution, ench.

:7, street. 3a, to be Portman ohtaine 1 at the Library of the In- proxy paper, Election of containing Ax the Director, names I hare of the the dre honour gentlemen to infonn nut by you rots- that Paces for NOVELTY. of Large Octavo any. weight. To he seen at Thos.

Orton's, salesman. 64, Wapping. of aquare. Number Pages in any other of it after this notice will be deen ed guilty felony. Mr.

ELIHU tion, together with any own, will, in a few days, be transmitted for the Penny FAMILY JOURNAL of Tell Roos: A PAIR of GRAY HORSES and a COB for NAME ASTRAY, to the Bell Inn, Tooting, on who my I obliged to those proprietors ledge, containing- Original Historical Narratives DISPOSAL, the property of a gentleman, who can LECTURE signature of supporters. shall be much Feb, LIVER and WHITE POINTER BITCH the in Ex-ter-hall, PHILOSOPHY of LABOUR. THIS EVENING, at half- abernt may from "have their changed usual their of or who may information he at present Memoirs- Manners and Descriptions treated with. The pair are 16 hande high. 5 sad 7 years old, well bred, be personaily on Friday.

95, a BITCH. If tickets 8, CHARLES HINDLEY. in the contr place correct for such as will and Anecdote Select Extracts from new and expensive Books with substance: have grand action, and quiet harnes The cob 144 and A LIVER COLOURED SPANIEL will not cinimed SOLD may be had at the door. Reserved scats and platform, to couble me to ensure the delivery of the prosy papers, I avail -Poetry, original and select, Illustrated with Engravines by hands hich, 6 years old; a short-lezzed strengthy cub, and invaluable to within 14 days from the date of this a Ivertisement the they ostier. be the lecture body of the hall.

schools half price. The proccoda of nyself of this opportunity to retugn my cordial thanks for the kindnes and dotber eminent engraver, Published by G. 60, Dean street, carry a heavy gentleman, or for a four chaise. Warranted, and to defray expenses Applications be made to to be given to the with which, during a long and me! ariaous 1 hare been generally Sohn. trial given.

To be al the stabler, 4, road nearthe NightNAME ASTRAY, LIVER -COLOURED RE- J. Secretary. rocuired, and have the bonour to be Ladica gratifying and Gentlemen, of RUCCOM THE HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE, for incale, -grove. TRIEVER BITCH, on the loch day of it February. Apply to Monday evening.

March 27, Your predient J. and faithful servant, April, price will The Cultivation of Gemaluras, 10 be SOLD, a PAIR of BROWN GELDINGS, J. Capora, Pernbroke will be wild Grossenor-place. bot This advertise- the will be delivered in the Music nail, London Tavern, Match 1848. Gienny, F.H.8 -Planting Potatoes and the Sorta to Clarence, and Harnew, Clothing.

sc. Horses mix. years owned within LECTURE CAULFBILD, hr Georze seven days from this date to pay expenses. Rev. 8.

WILSON, ate of Matte and Grover, and Vice President 19, Plant-New Pant. -Cottace Gardening- -The Gooseberry: its Pro- bauds one inch high, accu-tomed to single and double barnes, and to ment will not be repested. -March of the African In titute, at Paris, on ITALY, her Pont'e, her Church, Tavern from General the Committee will wit daily at the London perties, Varieties, ar4 Culture- Shallow and Deep Mantice-Cerato ride warranted round, and trial- granted. Lowest price, Mr. SCANLAN does not.

and Eventa Clairs in on Naples, Protestant Rome, England, Sicily. The ard on Hon, the and Her. Tendency Py of W. NOKL SCOTTISH Monday, 27th Inst. GENERAL sterna Gardener -The Cuckoo, kc.

Five Engravines. for London, April C. Cox. -Mawe's 12, with harness, le. clothing.

£70 arenor, in excellent Poley-place. condition, No dealer £35. AWAY Dis PROPERTY left at 6, Upper place within will take the chair at press ely. After the lecture a collection will be King William Strand W. Whyte and Edinburgh and J.

trented with. 14 days of this date will be SOLD to defray the -March made in aid of the Proto-tint Italian Pressin Kneland. Tickets Inas TERLY COURT will he held at the Corporation, Crane-court, Robertson, Dut It. 1818. be had of Mesas, Partridee and Oakey, Paternoster-: or any of the Flert a reet, on to Wednesday, Alter the By-law 29th March.

Bequest -Friendly ONDON LITERARY and MUSICAL 10 be SOLD by AUCTION, THIS DAY, by is to give notice. to M. J. TREELHA principal religious pub The chats to te taken at 1 precisely 11-to Increase Surgeons to Four. number of this creatly admired some Me.

DIXON. UT at COB, bia of the Repositury, true Norfolk Rarbican, at breed, 12 full o'clock, a master handCONDON MECHANICS' THIS and his Father, that the ARTICLES left at my house when they INST FLUTION, VALEDONIAN ASYLUM, (incorporated periodical is now pubit-hed for the week commer cing the 27th March, 3) stone, riles superbly, can walz upwind of four miles within the left will be DISPOSED OF in 14 days from this date Gesell to pay street for ex- Southampton bushings, 1.. HAT. Act of Parlirment, by the price entertainment. 14d.

Ite leading articics and matter are fully equal in interest, hour, woul very safe, and trot 12 with his kree weil-up: canters beantfully, -Ann Huson, 14. Northampton square, road, TON, will LECTURE THIS EVENING (Friday), March 24, on of Sailors, 1815,) for Supportine and Educatinz and instruction to Inst wee a number, which pro tuced so and She tuvaluable to any heavy timid gentleman. He stands 15 24, 1848. the Vocal and Instrumental MUSIC of 8. Each, Handel, Mozart.

Ree- who have died been diabled In Marines, service Natives Scotland, lively a sensation with the pube. The Hymn and Mourir hands high, and ta a most excellent four-wheeled chaise horse. On rev, Children Soidiers, and of TOTICE to ARTISTS and MANUFACTURERS thoven, trations Mr. Mendel Hatton wahr, will W. mo fated by Bennett, Mine Moriate In the O'Connor.

vocal iNus. indigent Footch parenta in London of not their entitled country, to pro- and this pour la week. Patrie, Pahli-hed with and accompaniment by Parker, for pianoforie, are the music Soho for and trials adowed. or of the USEFUL and ORNAMENTAL ARTS. and to Patentees lecture to commence at half o'clock.

admitted chial -Notice bereby given, that SPECIAL GENERAL Carr, 1, Covent garden and may be had of all booksellers XEMPT from 65 guineas only, for of Now Inventions, ecially of Working Models which can be Put in by tickets, 64 ench. Bu' scription, 64. per quarter, with 3. 60. entrance.

COURT of Guardians will be held at the Scott ah Hospital, Crane- and newunen in town and country. a beautiful MINIATURE EQUIPAGE. It consista of a Pair Motion. -ROYAL POL INSTITUTION, incorporated Ladies for the lectures, with the prieflece of attend'n: the mude class, court, Meet street, on Monday, the 34 of April, at 3 o'clock, on general of Bay Ponies, six years old, warranted sound and quiet, have been conby Royal Charter, -in -The Director bez to acquaint the above 34. per quarter.

containing particulars, may he obtained busines. The chair to be taken at 3 o'clock precisely. BLACK WOOD'S MAGAZINE -This magazine stantly wed by la ties and chiidren elegaut Park Pha ton, nearly now, parties that the Institution, during the month of March, will at the library of the Institution. A. M'FARLANN.

Aer. March 22, 1848. JOHN BURNIN, Secretary. trancinitted part of the United King cost 75 guineas building in Augu-t Harnew to correspond. The tensive RECEIVE DEPOSITA of WORKS of MERIT.

works By of art menns will of be ex- ar- SACRED HARMONIC SOCIETY. -The at- MURREY -The ANNIVER- dom. six Subscriptions pavable in advance. One Orders year. or 12 numbers, A whole trial forming requested.

for a lady a pony equipage of the high at consideration. -lighted additions to the premises, BARY DINAR of 33a, numbers, 61. single copies, 34. will he received -At carriage depot, opposite 91, Aldersgateranged and exhibited with creatly Increased advantage to the depositors, tendance of. the ladies and gentlemen of the chorus is requested this Charity will take p'ace on Wednesday, by all booksellers and newwenders.

or may he addrewed to the pub- street. The owner, a lady, referred to. It is detennined, as far as may be practicable, that a monrate table or ats VOCAL REHEARSAL, at Exeter hall. THIS Friday) EVENING, the Wit day of March Instant, at the Bridge- house Hotel, Southwark lishers, 37. Paternoster-row, London, and 45, George- treet, class case shall be appropriate 4 to each depositor who forwards at half-past 7 o'clock.

THOMAS BREWER, Hon. Sec. The Right Honourable the Earl of EGMONT, President of the Charity, The April number will be published on Satur lay the 1st Contenta--The FOR SALE, a magnificent PAIR of rich BAY tions of the process of his manufacture with his finished work. Parties HARMONIC SOCIETY, in the STEWARDS. chair.

Dowbfall of the Throne of the -My Route into Canada- The COLOURED COB GELDINGS, well bred, with power and will he furnished with full particulars on spalication at the Institution, SACRED Conquest of Naples -Travelling in Taffyland Life and of grandeur, fast safe action, match and step together, go in single har309. street: if by nonal the application, from' -On Wednesday, March 29, will be performed Baron Lionel de Rothschild, M. George R. Gainaford, Hardwicke-How we Ides got of the Tulleries, Chapter 1. 3.

new, The and ride superior Park Hack most horses, 15 hands high, fire and six years. 11 1 o'clock. Lord Possession The Institution will be re opened to pub is early in April next. DETTINGEN TE DRUM. a Selection.

and Mende sohn' Hymn of Charles Pearson, M. P. Gait kell, Eng. Heads or Talis. 2 The of March.

3. The Barricades, The grandest in London, possendng all the symmetry of a R. I. LONGROTTOM. Secretary.

Praise. Principal vocal performer -Miss Birch, Mix P. Horton. Mr. William Cubitt.

M. Sheriff, John G. Henburn. Kaq. 5.

The Two Provisional- Governmenta. 6. A Republican race horse, and up to 14 stone: colour bay, with full nil and mane: STEAM-PACKETS, J. will T. consist Rill.

of Mr. above Hobha, 500 and performers, Mr. H. Tickets, Phillips, 34, The each. band reserved and chorus seats of Charles London an 1 Middloses of Lon- Henry William G.

Hill, Hicks, Enq. Part Wedding. I. 7. William Adim, Blackwood Sweet and France- Sone, The Edinburgh Caxtons, and a Lon Family ion.

Picture. private warranted. Ten Horse days' and tris! Groom- permitted. yard. 22, To Church view row.

see the groom, STATES MAIL between NEW VORK and BREMEN, vil Southampton. -The in the area or callery, may be obtained of the princiral don and Middleex William Millman, Occan Steam Narication Company's splendid ships Washington sellers: of Mr. Bowler. 53, Mr. Ries, 102.

Strand: or at John Ellis, Vice- President Hilary Nisen, UPPET-SHOW, No. 2. for To-morrow, price DAIR of PONIES, Phacton, and Harness, price 55 and lermann will benceforth regularly start once month the office of the Society, 6, Exeter-hall. Charles Allen Young, Edward Palmer, Esq. King Bull and Guizet-Sir the Royal Robert Rabby" guir.ens.

-An elegant The and auperior PONY EQUIPAGE, all trietly follows the 154h THOMAS BREWER. Hon. See. Trensurer William Palines, Es. Truths Smith and Paradoxes- Great University- Dancing A cutems- United below been any tax whatever.

driven Ponies, a bay and a gray, seren years old, The HERMANN, Captain CRABTREE, from Bremen, on HARMONIC C. J. R. Aldis, M.D. FAward Penthyn, and -Crime at Cambridee have regularly by a lady, together and singly, and ed to of April and the 15th of June, and from Southampton for New York, SOCIETY, Eastern Richard Bagmallay, Keg.

Alfrod 8. Pigeon, K-4. -Inno ence in an Oinnibus Pins and chiidren. The Phacton is Queen's pattern, Denrly new, patent axles, the 20th April and 90th of June. Institution, Commerrial-road.

-On Monday peening, March 97, Arthur Kett Barely, Req. 8. Prentice, slight difference--An untenable turn over hind seat, harness covered. This equipage on'y requires The WASHINGTON, Captain JOHNSTON, from Bremen on the 1848, will he perfortued MAN Oratorio ELITAIT. Prin' Robert Bastow, Char'es Pagh, The very Image of his Father- I plain Answer- The (Hides of Varch- to be seen to he appreciated and purchased, as the in Worth all 15th of May and 15th of July.

and from Southampton for New York, roml performers- -The Mieses Williams, Miss Felton, Mr. Leckry, Samuel J. Bayfick1, En. Joseph Rutand, 1 Trafs gir square War Song -Political Rumo -The Pileht of Conundrum- Louia the money. Trial allowed.

Apply to. Mr. Gibb4, 37. North Keppelthe 20th of May and such of July. Mr.

Machin, Leader, Mr. Perry. Conductor, Mr. Arthur. The Thomas H.

Burrall, Eng. Thomas Steel. Fog. Philippe profusely Indian mews, Russell square. taken, Pisage and an only experienced guineas, Ne surgeon second attached class to or each steerage shin.

passengers band piete and in chorus has teen and condit of of about expatre, and be Rev. Bryan George Donkin, Clayton E-q. Daniel Edward Taylor, Faq. A genuine Jae Miller -Communion of the Last 1 -The beautiful First Ftyle of MART 30 One Trial will prove the Fact-Hudson's C. com every department, HORSES.

-Bond-street, be For all apply to Mess A. Heineken and Tickets, 14 64. each, rorerved 24. 61., may be had of Mr. Novella, Edward Elli, 5-q.

Frederick Tritton, Faq. Art--To Smoking Corre-pondents-1830 an 1543 -A Pat-doen for 1 SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. DIXON, on the To Mr. Wm. ince Havre creet.

Stews Draper and Paris; Mr. 34. Poultry: Mr. Sprague. F.

Pavement. Fineburt: Mr. Turner, Jeremiah Evans. Mr. Under Sherif Wire.

Paltry Notice--On Publication -Books not yet in the Prest-Unworthy of Literary row, March 25, at 12, by Lee and Sot; TWENTY Very Ed mani Stainer, 67, Threa La- London; or to the undenigned, Len and the usual places. in the neighbourhood. Dinner on the table at half past 6 o'clock. Tickets for the dinner (one seeinz an English intoriented Policeman -Just one comple to com- superior, arr, weful Extension CART HORSES, which hare been employed on the' at Southampton, commence at half-rast preciseir. guinea ca hi to he had of the Stewards, at the Dispensary, of the Col- p'ete the set -An Principle-How to regulate the Weather- Metropolitan Line of Bal way frotn Nine elms to WaterlooJOSEPH RODNEY CROSKET, U.

8. Consul. lector, at the Bridge House Hotel, and of Quite evident- The unk in lest Cut of all -Monte Chri-to and If-Fly bridge: sold on account of the being completed. To be and SONS will PERFORM on the SAX ROBERT Leaves, No. 3, a Tr'o of Punchites -One good turn viewed one day previous and morning of mie.

may be had on TOR QUEBEC, will be immediately despatched, HORNA, Sat and. their new Ventli Trunhones, 33, Trinity aquare, Southwark, and 8. street, MEGGY, city. March cretary. 23: another- -A Hehrew Melody, from Young Hound ditch: the whole application to Mess, Lee and Son, builders, Chis Finabury.

the fine fast-alling ship, HELEN, per real Thestre, Windsor, 27th Prince's Concert Room, 98th Mich Wycombe, interspersed with numerous jokes and com cute, Sol I here, there, and square and of the auctioneer, at his repository, Barbican. cellent a FOSTER, commodation Comma for passengers, lying in For the freight London or Docks. ravage Has apply to and 29th: ventil Staines, evening as 30th used and by morning themselves, 32st to be Distin's had only patent at at 31. Cran- horns SUBSCRIPTION for the BRITISH WORKMEN, every Price 1d -O 11. Wellincton-street north, ft and.

A PAIR splendid MOTTLED GRAY CARwhere. captain Poster, on board or to Car er and 11, bourn-treet. Leleester square, Another case of the new Besson Cornet. Refugees from COMMITTEE. Imance.

THE JOURNAL of SACRED LITERATURE. RIAGE HORSES, with grand high action, six years old, and an Drawings of all instrument transmitted for two stamps, Edited by JOIN KITTO, F.8.A. On the 1st of April, extraordinary fast trotting Bay Chaise Mare, consigned to Mr. DIXON TO SPAIN from Spanish steamer The Most Noble the Marquis of Lansdowne, K.Q. No.

2. price 54., to he centinued quarterly. Contesta of No. 2, with the for absolute sale, direct from Ant property of the Director of MALAGA, In intended to take her departure on the 1st of April. CITY of LONDON LITERARY and SCIEN- The Right Hon.

Rez. the Karl Lord of Harrowby. of London. names of the contributors: a Sketch, by the Rer. Profes the Commercial Bank.

They are 16 handshich, with power and Chief cahin fares- -to 8-n Sebastian, -19) francs Santander, 150; Co- TIVIC INSTITUTION. 165, JOHN The Night Bishop NoT Fadle, LL.D. Milton's Paradise Lost Considered with Referenco to for a beavy carriage, well together, are remarkably handsome, and runna, 250 Cadiz, 350 and Malaga, 400 francs. Second cabin about TEMPLETON date of the Theatres Royal, Drury lane and Covert- The Right Ion. the Speaker.

it- Theological Sentiments and Moral Influence, by the Rev. F. A. Cox, merit the carl'est, attentionof any lady or gentleman wanting a pair of two thirds, and third claw about two-fifths, of these Apply to carden, and recently returned from America) will eiva bi. ILLUSTRA- The The Fart Right Hon.

Arundel the an Lord Surrey, Mayor. D.D.. LL. in its recent developments, he the gpod sound horses. on view at the City Itepository, Barbican, Almin, Dotres, and Paris and Marre: Ralleras and Liverpool; TIONS of ENGLISH, Irish.

and Scotch MELODIES on Thursday The of 1 M. P. M.P. Rev 0. T.

Dol bin. Rev. LL. certain Idiomatic Alexander, of the Plural and SOLD without reserve THIS DAY. or to Thomas Hill, shipping agent, Southampton.

tained eveninz. in 30 the ch instant. with Tickets of adminion, 14. 6 each, may entertainment. be ob- Lord Ashley, M.P.

Trees, by the on Hebrew Poetry, translated D. from -On the Ger- A HORSE, Cab Marquis of Granbs, in Hebrew, by the William Lindsay D. Sacred NTWERP, Brussels, Cologne, Hamburgh, Berlin, Pianoforte, Mr. Blewitt. a programme of the evening's The Right lion.

Lord Robert Grosenor, M.P. man, by John Nicholson, B.A., Ph. The Law and the Gospel, by the cheap, together or separately. The horse is a fine animal, of Phaeton, and Harness to be SOLD, Letpaiz, Dresden, London to Cologne in 30 Tours and SCIENTIFIC Sir Fir Walter Thomas R. Dyke Farquhar, Acland, Bart.

M. P. Rev. Professor Powell, M.A.. P.

R.9. -Baur's Commentary Pratten-Observations on Amos: a bright chestnut colour, and excellent temper: he is very quiet for seven hours only. Antwerp Company's powerful, LITERARY Edward North Buxtoe, M. P. Review: translated by the Rev.

R. P. Matt on Pas saddle patent or axle, harness. Le. The phaeton is exceedingly well built, with head, farourite stem ship PRINCESS VICTORIA, THOMAS INSTITUTION.

17. Portman Ratkes muses of Scripture: Dr. Gray. On the G.J. of 10 Tenti- the The is in good condition.

In fact, the whole JACKSON, Commander, leaves the St. Katharine wharf, Tower, TEMPLETON, late of the Thentres Royal, Drary-lane and Corcht George Carr Currie, Giyn, M.P M.P. Rev. F. Jacox, On New Testament Life Walker, Robert On Jot's handsome set out.

To be seen at the (Mr. Hutchinson.) We ine day inording, at 11 o'clock. The railroad from Cologne to liam- entitled the Rove, Shamrock and Thistle, at this Institution. Charles Pascon Grenfel, Scape-Gost Profe-sor Bernstein, on Syriac -Notices of Monday and Tuesday, between 2 and 6 o'clock. Ozzibuses from tho every Bun day morning, at 9 o'clock, returning from Antwerp every curlen, will give one of hi.

GRAND MUSICAL ENTERTAIN. I mony to the Resurrection- Corrempondence: Rev. J. on, On the College House, Upper Holloway, opposite the Whittinz on Stone, on burch, Berlin, being now opened, trarellers may proceed to those on Monday evening. March :7.

Pianoforte, Mr. Blewitt, who will con- George Hudson, M.P. Recent Publictions-Biblica! Intelligente -Quarterly List of Enaltsh Bank and Charing cross every 10 minutes. by the Applications way of for the Antwerp, ship with rent the of short goods sea must be made of to seven the hours Lon- 1a. clude 61.

the each enter reserved ainment sents, 'y 24. singing 64. his last Members popular have free comic song. Tickets, with Henry Georze Edward Anson, Esq. And liar street, Foreign Strand: Works in Oliver Sacred and Boyd, Literature.

Edinburgh: Charles and Cox, J. 12, King Robertson, Wit- MENUINE CAB To be SOLD by Augustus M.P. dos Lightly and Simon, 125, where, the privilege of introducinz a lady. The entertainment will commence Darid Salomona, Kinescote, Eng. Grafton-street, Dublin.

AUCTION, by Mr. ROBINSON, on the Premises, Providencewell as at the Packet-offic 33, Regent Piccadilly, berths may at 8 o'clock. A of the lectures and for the present A Committee, con-lating of the Alderman. abore-nained noblemen and gentle- THE INEDITED WORKS of LORD BYRON. yard, EIGHT Vaux hall-bridge seasuned road, on HORSES, Tuesday, three March 29, at 12 precisely, and as err information obtained.

quarter tiny be obtained at the library of the Institution. Sub- good patent safety enha, three and the RHINE, far as Mann- two ru'nes per annum. The cious theatre may be engaged for to men, the- has English been formed Consuls for in the the purpose French of ports, rabing and to funds, the to be authorities remitted in title. -Among the literary notices of the day there is one the clarence cabs (ruperior built and nearly new), a chaise cart and dennet, ROTTERDAM ship BATAVIER, as burden 500 tors, concerts, daily and en ening meetings, tc. J.

THOM 48. Fecretary. the English labourer4, ports of domestic arrival, for the Benedt of the numerous British in above to be published, which uniform announces with that Mr on the Murrar's 1st of edition A of (an Lord ominous Byron's day) Mr. seven Thor. seta of cab Meadows, harnem, and are stable to be utensils, sold in the consequence genuine of his property entirely DAVID DUNLOP.

Commander, will sail from the St. Katharine Stearn LENTEN artisans, in this country, servants, been and others, to who are now daily a work containing his Lord bip's Lettars, Journals, and other relinquishing the basin On view the day prior and morning of ale, Wharf on Sunday next, the 08th last. at a.m. This revel has elegant OVE's menta arriving in Prance, either hy the having tyranny of forced the French leave mob their by employ the in the possession of bla son, George Gordon Byron, Esq. The whet catalogues may ba had on the promises; and of the auctioneer, and commodious accommodations for pa Tables of fares, Crochy hall THIS DAY Fridny), March 24.

LOVE will present of the establishments or conso- elitor holds ont that he has been perinitted to bare the free n- of all repository, Litt'e Britain. circus which are Bore's, much Bucklersbury reduced, may and be at obtained Philippe at and Chaplin', rarer's, azenta Recent- to Croshy hall, with ENTERTAINMENT new on appointmenta, a Rotel entumes, construction, never entitled The Wolf at quent on the recent Revolution. were the and that poet's the ova most in raluable the of all poswwion his of his documents sister, the hare Hon. been Mrs. confided Leich, to THIS DAY, Mr.

DIXON will SELL by AUCAn tn which they engaged, the Netherlands Stern boat Company. 11, city, to all in Sheri's Clothing or, the Biter Bitten, with other entertainments. posal of the Contuittea Foreign some office, days to be since distributed pinced a sum of money at the dis- him by meruhers of the poet's own family. To this advert sement are TION, at his Barbican, commencing at 12 o'clock, The applications for freight must be made. Welsh harp, Roberta: pianoforte, Mav.

Ti-kets, 3.: rallery, 1s. Mon- at the different French for the relief of amongst the the fugitives. British Con- are appended the names of some of be nobility and persons of the TEN fine shaped, long-talled. BLACK TROOP HORSES, supernaTHE CHEAPEST and most EXPEDITIOUS day. March 27th.

at the Lecture bail, le7. Bretn Upper -treet, I-lington; 30th, have had the pleasure of ports receiving the following communication from They highest distinction. as patronizine the publication. We are authorised meraries of Her Majesty's First Regiment of Life Guards; sold by order at Walworth Apel, G. at Richmend.

at 8 Het of for to state for the information the and the public, who may of the Commanding Officer. Twenty useful, cond seasone 1, Van and WazROUTE between LONDON. and can take AGIC, Extract Majesty's a De Secretary from State Her Foreign Consul Affairs have teen deceived by these representations, that, the late Lord con Horses, Hames, the property of Mr. May, of Marlborough sold Lick eta at Nine Station, which will frank them ail the way to Paris. Ventriloquism, Sussex -hall, Leaden- of ratch 221, Majesty's 1848.

at Cala', dated the funily acknowledge co relation of the name of George Gordon Byron. in consequence of the opening of the Great Western Railway to HungerFirst clams, secund class, 30 -The New Western hall street: -The Wizard of Wirands; great modern magician, I am sending off to-night by the General Storm Navigation Com- that person so calling himself has bad no a ces to any M89. in the poo ford. Thirty younz, active, Coal Waggou Horses, and 10 capital Belgians; Navization Company's splendid and powerful STEAM SHIPS, miling professor of experimental philoso: by. ventriloquist, and improvisione, to 81 nf the Hon.

Mrk Leigh, that no documents hire been confided also great number of Hack and Chaise Horses, among which are In conjunction with the London and Sonth-Western, Harre, and Paris JACOBS, formerly of the Strand Theatre, has enraced the above hall have papy's also packet London, No. 7. di-tremod subjects, including children. to him by any of the poet's family, and that Mr. Murray has no con- three or four splendid good going cols for absolute sale.

on view, and will lea re Southampton, (weather permitting.) for for a lunited number of nighta, and will APPEAR erery Monday and received despatch of the 20th instant, transmitting to nexion with the work in question. catalogues to be had. March 95, 5 de evening: Wedne calling at day. Portan the 24h, outh, 8 as morning. -To-morrow.

that Tuesday all other during Lent. His whether esperiments from the are of enst, astounding north, a or nature south, me Workmen, copy of a refugees letter from France, and communicating lishe! to to me re leve that a British cer booksellers and the public are MAMBRIDGE COMPANY'S from the Committee estat second enhin, £3: bones, E3 dogs, main are thrown completely into oblivion: hit ventriloquien in truly' amusing, tain sum will be placed at Iny disposal for the purposes COACH HORSES. which I to contemplated requested to take notice. that the work annonnerd as about to -To be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. ROBINSON, at his ReGUERNSEY and JERSEY, (the Royal Mall Packets,) every Tues an- his apparatus on the Improved principles, Reserved vatted the myself Committee in ant and citation.

of For this hare aid, as alrendy, well a for sinall that a afforded count, he EDITED published by WM. 9. ORR and Co, under the title of IN. pository, FIVE Little Bettaia, city, on Thursday, April 6. at 12 precisely, Thursday, and Saturday evening, at 7 o'clock: returning on Tues body of the hall end milery, Commence at 8 o'clock.

The Wizard in the granting of free panages by the Government, as I can a sure your WORKS of LORD BYRON. NOT be PUBLISHED FORTY cloths, superior. fine shaped, good, have seasoned HORSES, and Thursda, and Sundays Reduced fare -train cabin, 21a. will perform at the Net Lecture- ball, Richmon This Day. the Lords' ipa that not only those who receive the benefit, but those who by them, nor have they any connesion with the' undertaking.

-Amen- their harness, bead talla, which been employed workcabin, 144. horses, £3 don, fa. 94th Crozdon. Wednesday, Lecture hall. Blackheath, Thunday, are aware corner, March 21, 1848.

ing the Cambridge Company's conch from London to Cambridge, and For full particular apply at No. 1, Lancaster-place, Waterloo-bridee, 30th Town hall, Woolwich, Friday. 31st Lecture ball, Greenwich tributos as land many others are- great inisery which it con- READ are to be sold in consequence of ita being discontinued. The above strand: Univeru! orbee, Regent circus; Kail way Officer, Nine Elena, Wednesday, April 5. to alliertate, 0 are deeply arrived grateful." in the of London AVE you LIZZY'8 LETTERS in the superior stock of fast.

good, seasoned horses are mostly quiet in single London: Mr. Wickenden, Porturonth. last, Upwards of -2 re Boulogne ugees being chiefly Scotch port on Sun lay 81 LADY NEWSPAPER and PICTORIAL Pub harnes, are warranted genuine, without exchange or addition, and will HORATIO MILLER, General Manager. THE TABERNACLE in the WILDERNESS chiefly from per Dundee, 112 and to Irish. Of these lished weekly, price 204, Strand.

May be had of all book- be said without the last reserve. On view two days prior and-morning 97. Rich street, Southampton. and JERUSALEM AS IT -EDWIN were despatched all steam to Minburgh, and seller and newmen. of sale, when entalogues may he had.

SN I Til', new and interestiaz of the TABERNACLE in the 12 to lull, making in Mauy others were nt to various parts THE GENERAL STEAM NAVIGATION WILDERNESS, includin: of the vast Encampment. of the provinces, Every adult was provided with 2. and 1a. addi- Evening Paper, of the Ham- JAMBRIDGE UNRIVALLED FAST HORSES. magnificent, large, and unrivalled STEAM SHIPS.

of at the foot of ander the effects of sunset and tional chid, was for each to meet arrival casual the requirements. London of 61 burgh Exchange hall. Political, Commercia', and Shippinz In- ONE extriordinary COB, dited up for the comfort and accommodation of pas engers, are ap- night. The celebrated also exhibiting daily. Ad- There further in port of refugees telligence, published every nizht at o'clock, in time for the English master of 15 stone, and quiet in barnem, nearly new four hor pointed to leave Brown's Whart, Poplar, for- mittance to each is.

from 200 Calais, are and 70 frotn Immediately Boulogne, expected yesterday. from Folkestone and Dover, and steamers, containinz the latest nows from all parts of the globe down to Clothing. will be SOLD by AUCTION, at Altridce's EDINBUEGH- The LEITH. (Saturday), 9'th, at 10 more that Private correspondents in all the chief cities, markets, and St. Martin's lane, on Wednesday, March 29, 1848, at 12 oclock.

This the TRIDENT. Wednesday. 20th, at i0 evening. Chief cabin, DUBLIC "hundreds may be expected via Harte in the course of a few ports of Europe Baltic in particular). Price per annum, stock has been selected regardless of trouble and expense, and are which includes provisions, £3 second cabin, 15: Final Removal of London by Night.

Friday, March 31-t, will days. prenumerando free of thro the T'oltet Kingdom. lowed to be the bet and fastest goers in Kngand, which hare been From wharf, Wapting, for- positively be the last day of ever exhibiting, either during the afternoon The following contribution towards the object hare already been re- Orders and adverti-ementa a line) received at Messes. W. I.Smith working the Defence Cambridge Coach, and parted with solely on every Saturday, at 8 evening.

or evening, the celebrated Panorama of London by Nizht. The Her ceived Most and Son's, 192, Strand, London. count of the proprietor discontinuing working the All standing, From for- Color emm will after that day be cleed for a short time, and re opened It Royal Gracions Highness the Majesty Prince the Albert Queen, and? £200 0 0 THE FARMERS' NEWSPAPER, for all the from 15 bands 7 3 inche- to 15 hands 3 inches bigh, fire grand stepper. The YARMOUTH- Tundar and anturday, at 6 evening. with a prand Panoramic View of Paris.

Admision, day or erening, 24. -All from 5 to years oid. -bays, browns, and biacks, HULL- Tuesday and Friday. at 4 morning. children and schools half pries.

Her Royal Highness the Duchaw of Kent 25 0. Corn and Cattle Markets, in the MAGNET. Agricultural. above are worthy the inspection of noblemen, gentlemen, and the To secure bertha and for any information apply at 11, Lombard- Her Royal Hi, the Duch as of Glosester Commercial, and Family Gazette, price The Magnet, being devoted pablic in want of superior bones, in fint-rate condition, and fit for imstreet or 37, liegent circa-. Piccadilly.

DANORAMA of opened, at the The Right Rev. the Lord W. H. Martin, Esq. 3 0 to the interests of British farmers, contains the only accurate, because mediate work.

TEAM to DUNDEE, from Downe's-wHarf, 96, capital of Panorama Austria, Royal, with ta Leicester splendid square: palave, VIEW cathedral, of VIENNA, convents, the the Bishop of Olyn, London Halifax, C50 0 0 Lady F. 9t. John the A-11 only Cattle unbiased. Market, and Reports of of the the other Mark lending 'ane Corn Markets- Market, in London Smith- and TIMES BURY COACH To be J. Minet, the Lower East Smithfield.

--The Dundee, Perth, and- London Shipping and beautifully adorned gardens, the rivers Danube and Wien, Mills, and Co. 50 0 0 Lady Laura Fitzroy 0 0 0 throughout the kingdom -All the Miscellancons New of the Week, 801.D by AUCTION, by Mr. ROBINSON, at his Repository, Company's steam ships call an under. Fare, exclusite of profitions, and the verdant, and picturesque heights of the surrounding country. The Right Hon.

the Earl W. M. Gregson, E-q. foreign and domestic. Orders are received by all newsmen and dealers Little TWENTY-KIGHT Britain, city, on Thursday, March 30, at 12 o'clockmain enbin.

£2 reward's fer. 34. fore cahtn, El fee, 3. extendine to The Views of the Himalayn Maintaina; with of Harrowby C. E.

Trevelyan, Eng. in newspapers. Office of the Marnet. 200, Strand, London. Price 4d.

Harness, good, tensoned ITORSES, a Ten Sets The PERTH. Wotne-sy, March 20, at 9.a m. the Plains of Hindostan, and of the classic City of Athens, are also The Rigit Hon. Sir Mr. King 0 10 0 ILLUSTRATED LONDON of which four bore ke, the genuine property John Palmer, The DUNDEE, Contain KIDD.

Wednesday, April 5, at 12 noon. now open. Stratford Canning 10 0 Lady James THE NEWS, for hare been working the Times Bury ceach from London to Apply at Chap in's office, Recent -circus: 78, or at tho shore. Grisi Norma, Jenny Lind Jones Loyd, Loyd, Esq. 0 Q.

Cuthbert Ellison, Esq. 5 00 March 25, will contain the following splendid en- the Bury, coaching and are to be so.d and in also its consequence of his entirely read. relinquishing The to M.and M. Wry, sectita in London. The Company will as Lewis 10 Anonymous 0 10 0 French Reputlic: the Garde Mobile of Paris (four businem, -being taken off the only be respenalde for conds con-irned to them.

a character of the Fizis del Recrimento, Elward the Math, Me Meredith, 10 10 0 Sir W. Kay 5 0 Portraita, be Grand Derr onstration of the National Guard- above superior and genuine stock (which have been working the each the benevolent Pope Plus licary and James the Here George Hithert, 10 0 The Most Noble the Mar- Panoramic View of Vienna -The Revolution at Berlin: the Charze of entirely through), having been selceted with great judgment and driven TRAM to: ABERDEEN, Inverness, and the llardinge and Gough, the whale in new and macnificent dresses, ent James W. Farret, quis of Lans lowne Lancer- Louis Philippe at the Chapel: at Weybridge (two view) -St. by Mr. Palmer, are confidently recommended to all persons requiring North of Freight of Horses, Carriages, con- for the present person.

Open from 11 till dusk, and from till 19 at Anonymous 10 0 0 Mr. J. H. Patrick's Ball at the Ca-tle, Dublin--Funeral of the Late King of horses for immediate work. The whole of which are genuine, will be sold siderably Reduced.

-The Aberdeen steam Navigation Corn bight. Is Napoleon Room, Tho Countess of Jersey 10 0 0 Sir Henry Banhury Denmark- Portrait of the Present King of Den zark-Society of Ar's withent reserve. On view two days prior and mornin; of sale, when splendid and powerful ships will start 3 under, weatber, per- MONS, Bazaar, Baker-street. This LA one of the bet exhibitions taikes Currie, He q-, Lieut. -Colonel Dixon 0 00 0 Exhibition: Fernscan Vase sp'endid With Moine, Fo- catalogues may be bad.

mitting For ABERDEEN, the CITY of ABERDEEN, the metropolis The Times, Alex. Mackenzie, 0 0 A. Mr. B. M.

M. L. Ewart 6d. reign, stamped. and Coionia' Office, Intelli 198, retice Strand.

and all the News of the Week. Price 10 NOBLEMEN and on Saturday, March 25, at 1 afternoon. SPANISH This fenowned Giant, who Mrs. Walter Burrell 10 0 M. N.

10.0 0 JOURNAL SAL.K, the property of a gentleman who bred him, a magnificent For INTERN PS9, the NORTH STAR, on Monday, March 27, st has excited the highe admiration in Spair, Portugal and Geo. Hudson, 50 Admiral W. Bowles COURT of to-morrow, Satur- DOO, of the bull breet, beautifully and crenly markel. Any in 9 a.m. (with the approbation of the said Queens and King.) wilt bold his 1 The Right Hon.

S.r R. Tht Right Hon. the day. the first of a new series, will contain. amonz other articles: want of such an anital will find the above worth attention.

No dealer Calling off Burghead, Inverzordon, Cromarty, and Charonty Point. daily from 10' 5, and 6 to 9, at the CO SMORAMA ROQ318. 209, Peel, M.P. 10 0 0 Speaker A Poetical Address to Friend, New and Old -The Montpenster Mys. will be treated with.

Lowest Apply to Mr. Beeton, 1, Kacie, Regent circus or Wappine. Stands rev- feet 10 inches high, and weighs 450 Hobarta, Curtis, Sir F. A. Roe -True Aristocracy- Deposed Sovereigns of Europe--Ancient Stan'ey-pla Paddington CHARLES WILLIAM Adminion 14.

ebildren balf price. R. and N. Co. Holford, Eig.

0 3, J. Round, 0 -The Families of Orleans France The Revolutionary Legitimacy Er- A Louts necdotes and Facetin DIPING -W. ASHTON of Pbilipre--Horace inform received begs LASGOW via ORION, EXTRAORDINARY -Last William Tennant, Esq. 10 Robert Vt-er. Keq.

10 0 0 to Alboni -The Poor and their Treatment- -The Court and Fashion- to the nobility and public at large that he has just ADMIRAL, PRINCESS ROYAL, and COMMODORE, frat DE VENISE, 218, High W. Clement. 10 10 0 Mean. Herries, Far. Art and Commerce- -Music and the The The Church a large SUPPLY of the above BIRDS, which have been selected with clam from Liverpool every Monday, Tuesday.

Thur day, and The American Barlow, the unequalled negro melodi-t. Grand heal The lion. Edward Ly- qubar, and Co. 00 and The Army and Nary -Pawing Sketches--The Cock- the greatest care and judgment, all of them being tint ciss birds. Saturdar, follow.

viz. 20th, 11 a.m.: 21st, 12 noon and instanental concert and. An efficient har 1, conducted by con, per Mias 20 0 0 Thoms. Kibble, Esq. 3440 00 00 0 0 nor.

de. Published every Saturday morning. 6d. stamped, at the Ladies waited on at their own residence if preferred. W.

A. begs to 23d, 12 1-on 25th, 12 poon: 97th, 2 p.m. Sith, 4 p.m. 30th, 5 p.m. Mr.

Godfrey. Doors open at 7, concert st a quarter mat 7. The American Henry Tuffnell, 0 James W. Stuart, Esq. office.

17. Wellineton-street. Strand. state that his bird cages are not street. to be had at the Soho Hassar, but at April 1-t, 9 a.m.

Varo-culin, 134. ataward's fee steerage, 5. Barlow at a quarter past 8, ball at 9, conclude at 11. M.P. Lord John 10 0 Sir Adam LIST TOWN and COUNTRY manufactory.

215, Oxforden! Agouts Rot. In Lamont Liverpool, acent Martin In and London, Burns and J. B. Foord, Darid 52, M'Iver Old and Broad- sion 1a. Right Russell.

M. P. 20 0 0 Major Blair General Hunter A embracing all the dally and weekly and Beaufort-street, Hon. of PAPERS, street. See Quide, 8) GRAND FANCY -Miss LEONORA Richt Ion.

Sir George Edward Macrendy, quarterly magazines, published in England. cowsparers, Ireland, and Scotland, monthly and King's- Chelsea, by appointment to Her Majesty and H.R. H. pace A GEARY has the picasure of announcing, that, in accordance Grey, M.P. 20 0 David Baillie, Esq.

5 Wales, with their days of publication and price. Sent poet free on for- Prince -Ornamental WATER YOWL, consisting of bark and to DUBLIN, Plymouth, and Fal nouth, with the unanimous wishes of ber patrons and pupils, she will give a Right Hon. the Lord Elis. G. Willis warding six penny stamps to William Thomas, British and Foreign white Egyptian, Canada, China, binnacle tent, and bughing Ship taking Company's good- for steamer the and Livernan'.

ATHLONE. -The Captain City of Dublin WILLIAMS. Steara elegant and stadous private on Assembly Rooms, 49, Great April, at David Salomons, J. P. Alien.

Esq. 0 and subscriptions are received for every Enz'4sh Strand, and continental paper labrador, shovellers, a Id eyed, and dun divers: Carolina ducks, GRAND FANCY BALL, Wednesday, the 12th of her Mayor 10 10 0 F. Huddleston, Esq. 00 Advertising Office, 21, Catherine-str-et, where geese: sheldrakes, pintail wid goon, summer and wintef ten', rutwe'l, will sail on Saturday, the 24h at 8 a.m. 137, Leadenhall- street, and which will be given upon 40 distinguished scale as to render Alderinan 10 0 0 Mr.

John Jones. 0 0 publi-bed. and pinioned. Abo Spanish, Cochin China, Malay. street 33, Regent-circus, Piccadily and Dublin.

Pelfast, Berwick, it one of the mort balls of the season. Gentlemen's tickets Coutts and Co. 50 Mess. Mellon and Sons, Poland, Surrey, and Dorking fowls: white. japon, pied, and cominon all and Cork descriptions of wharf.

goods at moderate Smithfield. premiums. effected on di guinea, appointment, an carly application for tickets is reque tel. To To be prevent had Innch Residents in Hears on. and delircred gratis, NEW PLAN for READING and church street.

Steam- Lower Fast one ladies 15a, supper and refreshment inclu ted. Subscriptions from Piccadilly 2 20 READING and BOOK SOCIETIES. -Now res fowl, and pure Chins pigs: and at 3, Moon- GraceJAMES HARTLEY and Co. only of Miss Leonora Geary, 42, Great Maribor nch-treet. the London English in Workmen R.

J. Burn M. At. George, 1.0 BOOK unlimited supply SOCIETIES of standard throughout works, the all the kingdom. new This books, plan and the provides right an of SALE, a very superior VAN, nearly favour of TARGATE, Herne Bay, (Hamsgate via Margate,) SOIREES DANSANTES, Prin- forced to quit France General C.

R. Fox 1 20 members to purchase any work desired, as soon as the first demand has new, fit for laundryman or egg merchant. It loa a pole and by the FATHER fast and THANES. superior Returning packed CITY of We and Fri- Indy any six nights during the Single tickets. 7s.

cach Weir Lord Mabert, Mayor through 61 19 0 J. John C. F. Labouchere, Esq. 19.

Popular Molies Works, street. withdrawn Curendish from square. the library Also at Bull's New reduced Catalogue prices, cf 10 be SOLD, in consequence of a death in the at 10, Tuesdays, and Saturdays, from London WE cum's Concert Rooms, March Monday. by late events, paid by Lady Mary Fox 10 subsided. at one ha'f the published prior.

Delivered 003 gratis, and sent shafts, with sine tilt and front seat. Price £95. Apply to Mr. Gowing. wharf, and from Brunswick-pier, Black wali, at quarter to 11, subseriber of two guinea la entitled Monday, to an admission and for every himself and M.

E. Gambart and the C. Rt. Hon. Sir Chas.

Wood 00 00 00000. post free to order, enclosine two stamp, al tressed to Mr. Bull. Ibra din. veterinary surgeon, 1.

Stuckey-terrace, Camden-town. on Mordayx, nosdaya, iN rt's band as usual, conducted by himaoif. M. Mr. Corrie.

Robert very days from Warmte at 10. and Herne Bay at 11. Cosches from Herne The refreshmenta and supper by Mr. P'ayne, of Drury-lane and Covent- Right 11o. Lord Robert Hir Fitz- Wygram to enters, enclosing one stator.

family, toguther or separately, a very Mr. handsome CARRIAGE, Bay to Cantert.ury tr me fiatoly on the arrival of the packet. garden Theatres. Commence at 11,3 conclude at 3. Tickets and Grosy cor.

10 00 F. J. White, Eng. PIANISTA POST Horses, and liarnes complete. Inquire of Chapman, at the 113, and at gr unmes at 21, Soha-square.

tr George Vaughan, Esq. 10 0 Robert Penny, Esq. 1 THE three 25, Riding-bouse-lane, SHIPS, Goode, Chartered Freight, Captains' The Philip Worshipful Falomons, Corn- 5 50 Sir Fred, Thomas Pigou, Esq. Dyke Ac- 00 Mary Blane, numbers Incy of Neal, this Old popular Joe, musical Buffalo work Gals, and sent coat free other for Nezro Ga. LARENCE CARRIAGE -To be Roval Adelaide seven SOLD, by INSURED, at current reiniume, TAURENT: pans Tatiors of Merchant 0 land, D.

additional 5 0 0 Songs, with Mary Mane Qua frilles, the whole for 2. All Jenny Lind's. CARRIAGE order of of the the esecutors above of a description, lady deceased, good a handsoine fashionable CASINO, Gallery. in amount not £500 on any. single vowel, upon application at of musical talent.

The 31 10 Rev. Gilly Rowell's, and Wilson's hest sones, 11 for 2. Four of Jullicn's or working condition. the of ces of the Port of Luzdon Company, 20, St. roost brilliant and success still atten is this famed salle de Lord Radsteck, C.B.

0. Hon. and Ret. Gerali Munrd's Quadrilles, for 24. All the best with overtures com- Price To be seen at the private stables of the late owner, place, Loudon.

By order of the danse, now the centre of attraction. Laurent's unrivaled land of 59 per H. F. Parter, Meg. 5 Wellesley 1 plete, each All fall music size.

Or one or two numher sent Jockey's-fields, Bedford-row, till 12 o'clock, or after 5unily. ARG COLLINGRIDGE. Registered Officer. Achromatic -Prinoiral Microscope. curact a Refreshinents of the Adophe lint quality at The moderate Sir free for 6d.

Banista office, 67. Paternoster-row. Cafalogues zitis, A elegant BROUGHAM, built six months formers, -pirton, M. Trien. Monitor Chas, M.

Clarke extra.Mr. F. RUTTER, English Agent, 10, Doors open 7. commence at ha.f-rest; ball al 9 and tor- In the Contributions wEll Merses. be Jones received by Loyd the and following TO STATIONERS and BOOKSELLERS- since, la escellent order a good, fart, well-bred Horve, rue Louis k.

Grant, off ble pervices to those who are leaving minate at balf-mat 11 o'rioct. la And Smiths: Means. Glyn, Halifax, Milk, and Co: Messes. ims, SWAN'. COPY ROOKS, with engrave! bend lines, super.

disrnes of the bet kind -the whole to be SOLD. cheap. by a City- Smith, Payne, Paris in baste, to RECEIVE, Pack, Forward their PROPERTY to Deacon, an- 4 seding rapidly all others in the tie profewion, an to te obtained esotleman spa requising To be seen, before 10 A.m. street, London. Customs acent of years standiag.

Goods can be LEONORA GEARY has the honour of announcing that Mown End-Mesars, Drummond, Hoare, Fleet Meers. Memers. Herries, Coutts, Far- Glocester-pate, Regent's murk. England through Mr. Chinaery, Customs chambers, Lower Thanes SOIREES EVENING.

the Wet wholenle at WM. LESCH ATLAS'. 39, Budge ondon. after 2 at livery stabion, adjoining the York and JAlbany in London, free of duty, to wait orders. Cher select and a sTocable EVENING PARTIES Highly patrocived gubar, and St.

James's street. COP with SUFFERANCE LANDING- WHARF, during the pat season) are hid every Monday and Friday evening, DISTRESSING brad lines, are nor in general and require enly to be Very light, SECOND-HAND, fashionab! when latfes and gentlemen have the acquiring an elegant -A most respectable known univer ally to supereic al! others, A the price is the rame as the -ABOUGHAM, for one home, painted and lined marone, hung Rotherhitue, opposite the Regent' GATES and Co. in all the most fashionable ball room A full GENTLEMAN. for nerly captain in a regiment of line, is onlinary copy-books, with the great of having set conies of a approved principle, with parent and has a third beg to inform merchants, batiden, engineers, and others, that the above quadrille land. Tickets for four amides one zuiner, or for 12 suffering the dreadful effects of by biting poverty superior character.

To be had of all stat son's in the inside, plated furni ure, and in good condition To wharf has three powerful cranes and for the purpose of landing. two ruinseach. Private lessons at any hour of the day. --42, Grent an I want. by being deprive! of a pittance derived from his sister, now SHILLINGS.

effort an framediate sale £65 will te taken, by order of the prop rictor. storing, and Iron, machinery, ant every description Marlborough street. unable to continue is. He APPEALS to the generously humane nad NOR FIVE free by post, 100 To be soca at 5, Long-arre. of beavy goods, by strict attention and do patch to merit a share charitable, whom merciful lonce has blessod with means and a ENGRAVINGS from the annuals, executed on steel, ail diffe their patronage.

For further particulars and terms apply to Mr. of BRITISH MANUFACTURES benevolent disposition to aeist their fellow creatures, which is pater rent, and perfet impressions of Trews, portraits, figures, Listorical RITZSKA LANDAU (a3 Hopkinson's), -One Georze, 18, South Southwark, or at the wharf. The EXHIBITION of ARTS, John street. Adelphi. Mr.

vain. most thankfully received, directed to B. ez- jects, forming excullent illy for alhuins, books, screens, of these light elegant CARRIAGES, with bead to fall Do 13 Waterman Steam-boat- call at Lavender pier, Caen wharf CUNDALL will he Happy to SUPPLY of the WORKS of ART SE cloned Dr. Master, 15, Eastbourne terms, Hyde-park, who will kindly and or and fancy arposes. free imme-intely a Tarouch, bulls to order, and finished regardlew of a short time The shore wharf is the depot for Lund, and the 1 resent exhibition upon rose ring an order statin: the number in dive particulars.

of post office PT -JAMES REYNOLDS, prict warebosse. burg on an elliptic spring with front se at and bial any Chen and other stone. the Society's catalogue which refers to the article wiehea for. A dais VALE of large COLLECTION of 174, Strand. 200.

all free for Ra. 8-1. standards, and rumble if required, Light in draught, unuscally. -HOLLAND and 66; cards may be bad gratis. -Josoph Oundall, Fine Art publisher, 12 DINGS, which a will be removed OT.

PAINT- PORTFOLIO of WATER- high front wheels, to be Grostenor-aquare. st a great sacrifice. On at 25, North Licen-e1 Lower Thamesstreet, Her Majesty's opposite the Comintadonets Cu-tom-bouse, of who for are the of John Grease, to the Pix ute Gallery of Agar, 104, King-: BOX COLOU: DRAWINGS by the best masters Means, DICK IN. Old Bond-street. from Irlay.

Stall, the residence A gents of Cu toms, the DOYAL ITALIAN struct for the enfence of ale. CAPES And SMITH beg to inform her to inform those who studying A Britzska, and Brougham, the ART, RECKIVING, and Initschold Clearing through Furniture, the inform WORKS of To SOLD. a FREE ADMISSION OPERA, for the prosent senion. mi- of the fine arts Manches and neichhnurhood, they he on HIRE DRAWINGS by all are the first masters ting of the that day, of a gentleman no further Bagzage, that beg to the gent's, to all performances, benefit, ke. Price 61.

to that they have Focaived instructions ta SELL by AUCTION, at the Prout. Cos, Felding. Al solon, rate but ders, end in conditica to duties payatie on goods is ported into England, and every har in- Mr. biela. 233, ligh Ho born.

and 314 March, 1843, each motor at nday, and o'clock, Friday, about the 20th, 920 30th OIL 114, Now Booke Bond- of troct. prints, so, lent for the evenin and parted with at a great a addy equal to new, and will travellers, and parti a leaving the cont nens, all particulars reintive mit, ins £5 Apply Gallery referred to, on Ant tor them. They be formation altained necessary in answer to to the post for pal i warding letter. of such Goods gooda to their care. can -FRANCONI's celebrated PICTURES, by en the bracinz almost ew ry variety of size, subject, nad an tome rarely to carriage be of met either with." above one in descriptions, want of wili a cod find and bem bandbe warehoused by H.

and Co. without payment of duty, until the EQUESTRIAN TROUPE. frown the Cirque National do Paris,) went, Veronese De Konin Var Lent EP GAMEART and CELEBRATED CARRIAGE 16, St. Marylebone. and packages and following Anti such arrival of the owner.

whee extraordinary ta'ent4 bare been acknowledged throughout Daci Zuscheralli Palam: Van lugaura Fandar Danby Hey do 25. Oxford street, hare the wholesale to inform artists -Purchasers Europe, are now performing with the greatest success at the Theatre C. 0 ogen Decker Pet ber and amateurs, that they are cabled. through the kind London of light one of tho large are respectfully inMAILORS. Yachtsmen, Travellers, and Scholars Roya Prury-lane, which 1a4 been fitted up on a scale of the utmost Canaletti Bee Molinser.

Watta shanks, ta polish permission of a ad and Lot avorted will find AYOR BOURN' FLOAT, Invisible Life Preserver, and- magnitude splendour, tre arena being formed in the cantre of the A. Del Sarto andyke LANDSEER. The plates are now at the of EDWIN Li constanti, on sale at MARKS and CARRIAGES, Co. both Lev and sec ad nand, Swimining Belt, an instantaneoes menns instructor rescue for in case of It house, the pit and whole stage proventing the appearance of two spacious Sasso Ferrato Leghers Stork Morland nunbers shall be taken: 15 seta of artists' proofs, and at £10 following 10e. limited seta valid square.

erriaco. takin in to of shipwreck en Hogarth the Carri or socident, and the best possible swimming. is no the a magnificent enuo d'ell, on the Aibano De Hoogh of proofs, E. at £6 64.: Reta 100 for journey. on Lastand, or for sale commission.

biezer thin handkerchief, weighs only six ounces, carnot burst, Li no model of the ancient Hippodrome of Rome. TICKETS and PRI- Firebach Wynants. Grifter Ruy-dael leon plain prints, E2 2s. Each set of 200 of composod India paper prints, at 34.: First-rate vere to wurk, ready in a moment, and caste Spencer, only a dozen Fenchurch- shillings; VATE BOXES to be had at the theatre, and at JULLIEN and Mopaing Ostade Las erase Desman lombia, in a folio. All the sots all proofs be stamped of 17 plates, hail col- CHARIOT, Second-hand boy's size, and half a the lores, esports.

190, Strand 116, 214, Rczent-street. Both Teniers Van Bessel Mirered in rotation scording to a the order of apd subscriptions. numbered, Tho and plates de- De SOLD, for the low price of Turrell, Long-acre, street at principal op Du Jardin Jan Miel Boddington are of copper and shall not be rutonched, so that they will proJuce but order, ng no outlay teyend guinons. It is in excellent for SALE: price £6 63. Apply ENGINEERS and BOILER The Van Aplya Moucheron Prac fruited number of rood Impraions of prints.

a painted green the Has drab. town Any and post-office, Creydon. Steam Boilers, for Stearn, TUBES Gas, and for other Marine purposcs, all Lecomotiro sorts of male, and catalogues may had be then at the the Gallery; Monday or and cartier Tuesday from prior Capes to and the LGERON A Bargain. -The original potice. Apply at 8.

for Little a tear, Jamar and torn Bedford-ton. will End it worthy of CHILD'S CAUL. LAP- and ninting seen on person Fittings Birmingham Patent Iron Tube Company, 42. 0m- Smith, 14, OIL PORTRAIT of the celebrated ALGERNON ringes taken in exchange. N.B.

014 car1s. orange, and shaddock boiler street, tubes aningham, under and an Smithwick, Staffordabire, from Mr. manufacture MONITEUR armour, by Dobson, is to ba SOLD price only. This adr RABIAN, Catalonian, and Azorian JESSA- bridge Bi MINES, Genoa, 64. to per 30.

plant; cach also rote lemon, double citron, Roman tuberose Prosser, tb, excudre license Richard -To be DIS- tmit rictures would by tea rainable acquisition to any collection of or CLARENCE trees, from These tubes are extensively used the bollers extensire SERIES of the abore PAPER, em- the moat renowned artiste of antiquity. It SOLD, at a presti ba roots. The above have jut been received at HEDGES and BUTLER'S of matin and locomotive steun engines in England inn the bracing the eveniful period of the Consalate form of French Govern- very considernhie. post prid, to A. 7., of Mr.

CLARENCS with cal, an ezant. Italian warchome, 155, st roct. On receipt of a post office order, are stronger, lighter, cheaper, and more durabie than or continued by the Imper At Dynasty and ending in De ember, 1831, son, draper. 108. Plect street.

Willinte- pinto rich la ze elegant lamps, and or reference, chotoo they will Ponian be vines, called packed Ura and Trotsia, forwarded which to bear any a part. Ang bridge -treet, tubes, and Crescent, are warranted Birmingham; not to works, open Smith weld. -42, Biaford- Cam- under the teim of Philippe. Poring 41 volumes, gently -VAUCHER' PATENT WOVEN with This carriage is worthy Anotice of any to corre black grape, and 1 some palm frock, shire; Loudon warehouse, 63, Upper Thames Baviile-passage. Apply rd, bookseller, OFFICES HOSE, witho seam, for ship's purposes, sc.

be taken for it to affect early price sale. mi 140. Apply to runes, W. 90 will wick, bail bound, price 14 to Goo. Law! lightness- The to 1, Chapel-piece, Poultry.

James street, Townley. 8, Little 1 00 00 00 00 0 00 0 00 00 0 00 00 0 00 00 0 0 0 00 00 0 0 00 00 00 00 0 0 0 000 0 00 0 0 a 1.

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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.